Law and (Dis)Order in the Ancient Near East
Proceedings of the 59th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at Ghent, Belgium, 15–19 July 2013
Edited by Katrien De Graef and Anne Goddeeris
Law and (Dis)Order in the Ancient Near East
Proceedings of the 59th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at Ghent, Belgium, 15–19 July 2013
Edited by Katrien De Graef and Anne Goddeeris
“This handsomely produced proceedings of the 2013 Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale in Ghent successfully reflects the main title and theme of the conference, with many of the contributions dealing with legalities and law codes.”
- Description
- Reviews
- Bio
- Table of Contents
- Sample Chapters
Written by a diverse array of international scholars, the contributions to this book explore laws and legal practices in the Ur III, Old Babylonian, Middle Assyrian, and Neo-Assyrian periods in Mesopotamia, as well as in Nuzi and the Hebrew Bible. Among the subjects covered are the Code of Hammurabi, legal phraseology, the archaeological traces of the organization of community life, and biblical law. The volume also contains essays that explore the concepts of chaos/disorder and law/order in divinatory texts and literature.
Wide-ranging and cutting-edge, the essays in this collection will be of interest to Assyriologists, especially members of the International Association for Assyriology.
“This handsomely produced proceedings of the 2013 Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale in Ghent successfully reflects the main title and theme of the conference, with many of the contributions dealing with legalities and law codes.”
“This collection is outstanding and brings together a conglomerate of sub-disciplinary essays in ANE studies, all of which are focused upon the motifs of order, disorder, and law. I cannot recommend this book enough.”
Katrien De Graef is Associate Professor of Assyriology and History at Ghent University. She is the author of De la dynastie Simaški au sukkalmaḫat: Les documents fin PE IIB–début PE III du chantier B à Suse and Les archives d'Igibuni: Les documents Ur III du chantier B à Suse.
Anne Goddeeris is Post-Doctoral Researcher and Teaching Assistant of Assyriology at Ghent University. She is the author of The Old Babylonian Legal and Administrative Texts in the Hilprecht Collection Jena and Tablets from Kisurra in the Collections of the British Museum.
1. Foreseeing the Future, Classifying the Present: On the Concepts of Law and Order in the Omen Literature
Netanel Anor
2. Le vol à l’époque paléo-babylonienne: L’application de la loi à travers la jurisprudence
Dalila Bendellal-Younsi
3. “Let the Sleeping Dogs Lie” or the Taboo (NÍG.GIG=
ikkibu) of the Sacredness of Sleep as Order and Noise at Night (“tapage nocturne”) as Disorder in Some Ancient Near Eastern Texts
Daniel Bodi
4. Lorsque les généraux prêtent serment . . . : Quelques remarques sur l’usage du serment de loyauté (depuis la documentation d’Ur III jusqu’à l’époque néo- assyrienne)
Daniel Bonneterre
5. Unjust Law: Royal Rhetoric or Social Reality?
Sophie Démarre-Lafont
6. The Vocabulary of Rebellion in Neo-Assyrian Documents
Aline Distexhe
7. Legal Fiction in Emar and Ekalte: A Source of Order or Disorder in the Legal System?
Lena Fijałkowska
8. What the “Man of One Mina” Wanted: Law and Commerce in the Ur III Period
Steven Garfinkle
9. How Ancient Near Eastern Societies Regulated Life in the
Community: Crucial Clues from Archaeology
Mònica Bouso and Anna Gómez-Bach
10. A Variationist Approach to Orthographic and Phonological
Peculiarities of the Language in the Laws of Hammurabi
Rodrigo Hernáiz
11. “For Each Runaway Assyrian Fugitive, Let Me Replace
Him One Hundred- Fold”: Fugitives/Runaways in the Neo- Assyrian Empire
Krzysztof Hipp
12. Perfections of Justice? Measure for Measure Aspirations
in Biblical and Cuneiform Sources
Sandra Jacobs
13. Putting Some Order in Ur III Letter-Orders
Daniele Umberto Lampasona
14. Luminous Oils and Waters of Wisdom: Shedding New Light on Oil Divination
Alex Loktionov and Christoph Schmidhuber
15. (Mis)Translating Gender: The Scribes Couldn’t Have Been
Competent, They Didn’t Go to Yale
Kathleen McCaffrey
16. Rétablir l’ordre par la mort dans les textes législatifs
du début du IIe millénaire av. J.-C
Virginie Muller
17. To Be Guilty at Nuzi
Paola Negri Scafa
18. Fremde Götter—eigene Götter: Zu den neuassyrischen
Reettakaisa Sofia Salo
19. “Not Even Her Own Jewelry”: Marital Property in the
Middle Assyrian Laws
JoAnn Scurlock
20. Disorder and Its Agents: The Akkadian Epic of Anzû
Dahlia Shehata
21. When the Trial Does Not Work: Pathological Elements
in the Judicial Procedure in the Old Babylonian Period
Cristina Simonetti
22. The Ashurbanipal Library Project at the British Museum
Jon Taylor
23. The Sea and Monarchic Legitimation in the Ancient Near East
Joanna Töyräänvuori
24. Putting Life in Order: The Architecture
of the New Excavations in Kamid el-Loz, Lebanon
Julia Linke and Elisabeth Wagner-Durand
25. Enmity Against Samsu-ditāna
Elyze Zomer
Download a PDF sample chapter here: Chapter1
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