Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East
Proceedings of the 57th Rencontre Assyriologique International at Rome, 4–8 July 2011
Edited by Alfonso Archi
Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East
Proceedings of the 57th Rencontre Assyriologique International at Rome, 4–8 July 2011
Edited by Alfonso Archi
In July, 2011, the International Association for Assyriology met in Rome, Italy, for 5 days to deliver and listen to papers on the theme “Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East”. This volume, the proceedings of the conference, contains more than 40 of the papers read at the 57th annual Rencontre, including 3 plenary lectures/papers, many papers directly connected with the theme, as well as a workshop on parents and children. The papers covered every period of Mesopotamian history, from the third millennium through the end of the first millennium B.C.E. The attendees were warmly hosted by faculty and students from the Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Part 1
Opening Lectures
Rückwärts schauend in die Zukunft: Utopien des Alten Orients Stefan M. Maul
Law and Literature in the Third Millennium B.C. Claus Wilcke
The Soul in the Stele? J. David Hawkins
Part 2
Myth and Ritual through Tradition and Innovation Dina Katz
A Tale of Twin Cities: Archaeology and the Sumerian King List Petr Charvát
Where are the Uruk Necropoles? Regional Innovation or Change in Tradition for Northern Mesopotamia Jesús Gil Fuensanta and Eduardo Crivelli
Changes Through Time: The Pit F Sequence at Ur Revisited Giacomo Benati
Reading Figurines from Ancient Urkeš (2450 B.C.E.) Rick Hauser
Wooden Carvings of Ebla: Some Open Questions Rita Dolce
The Aesthetic Lexicon of Ebla’s Composite Art during the Age of the Archives Marco Ramazzotti
DUGURASU = rw-ḥꜢwt Alessandro Roccati
More on Pre-Sargonic Umma Salvatore F. Monaco
Professional Figures and Administrative Roles in the Garden (ĝeškiri6) Management of Ur III Ĝirsu Angela Greco
Tradition and Innovation in Šulgi’s Concept of Divine Kingship Luděk Vacín
Bemerkungen zur Entwicklung der Beschwörungen des Marduk-Ea-Typs: Die Rolle Enlils Manuel Ceccarelli
Prophecy in the Mari Texts as an Innovative Development Herbert B. Huffmon
Mathematical Lists: From Archiving to Innovation Christine Proust
Die lexikalische Serie á=idu Frauke Weiershäuser
The Rituals of Power: The Akkadian Tradition in Neo-Assyrian Policy Krzysztof Ulanowski
Innovation and Tradition within the Sphere of Neo-Assyrian Officialdom
Melanie Groß
Tradition and Innovation in the Neo-Assyrian Reliefs
Nicolas Gillmann
Une Armure Expérimentale du Premier Millénaire av. J.-C Fabrice De Backer
A Group of Seals and Seal Impressions from the Neo-Assyrian Colony Tell Masaikh-Kar-Assurnasirpal with More Ancient Motifs Paola Poli
Spätbabylonische Urkunden: Original, Kopie, Abschrift Jürgen Lorenz
Traditional Claims of an Illustrious Ancestor in Craftsmanship and in Wisdom Daniel Bodi
New Phraseology and Literary Style in the Babylonian Version of the Achaemenid Inscriptions Parsa Daneshmand
Aspects of Royal Authority and Local Competence: A Perspective from Nuzi Anne Löhnert
Continuity and Discontinuity in a Nuzi Scribal Family
Paola Negri Scafa
Mission at Arrapḫa Dave Deuel
Geopolitical Patterns and Connectivity in the Upper Khabur Valley in the Middle Bronze Age Alessio Palmisano
Writing Sumerian in the West Maurizio Viano
Territorial Administration in Alalaḫ during Level IV Alvise Matessi
Reciprocity and Commerce in Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia H. Craig Melchert
Hittite Clitic Doubling as an Innovative Category: Its Origin Andrej V. Sideltsev
Memory and Tradition of the Hittite Empire in the post-Hittite Period Maria Elena Balza and Clelia Mora
Fortifications and Arming as Analytical Elements for a
Social-Policy Evolution in Anatolia in the Early Bronze Age Tommaso De Vincenzi
Amurru in der königlichen Ideologie und Tradition: von Ebla bis Israel Pavel Čech
The Assyrian Tree of Life and the Jewish Menorah Christos G. Karagiannis
The Ponderal Systems of Qatna Luigi Turri
French Excavations in Qasr Shemamok-Kilizu (Iraqi Kurdistan): The First Mission (2011) Olivier Rouault and Maria Grazia Masetti-Rouault
The Present in Our Past: The Assyrian Rock Reliefs at Nahr El-Kalb and the Lessons of Tradition Ann Shafer
Oriental Studies and Fascism in Spain Agnès Garcia-Ventura and Jordi Vidal
Part 3
Workshop: From Parents to Children
From Parents to Children: Ebla Alfonso Archi
Family Firms in the Ur III Period Steven J. Garfinkle
A Chip Off the Old Block: The Transmission of Titles and Offices within the Family in Old Babylonian Sippar
Michel Tanret
The Tradition of Professions within Families at Nuzi
Jeanette C. Fincke
Crafts and Craftsmen at Ugarit Wilfred van Soldt
Hereditary Transmission of Specialized Knowledge in Hittite Anatolia: The Case of the Scribal Families of the Empire Period Giulia Torri
The Transmission of Offices, Professions, and Crafts within the Family in the Neo-Assyrian Period Heather D. Baker
Families, Officialdom, and Families of Royal Officials in Chaldean and Achaemenid Babylonia M. Jursa
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