From the Nile to the Tigris
African Individuals and Groups in Texts from the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Mattias Karlsson
From the Nile to the Tigris
African Individuals and Groups in Texts from the Neo-Assyrian Empire
Mattias Karlsson
Egypt and Mesopotamia, two cradles of civilization, repeatedly came into contact with each other in antiquity. Interaction between Africa and Mesopotamia was particularly close and frequent in the period when the Neo-Assyrian Empire controlled Egypt (dominated by rulers of Libyan descent) and confronted the kings of Kush (from present-day Sudan). This book seeks to identify Africans—namely, Egyptians, Kushites, and Libyans—in Neo-Assyrian texts from this period, discussing the presence of Africans in the Neo-Assyrian Empire at both individual/biographic and collective/demographic levels and exploring such concepts as ethnicity, multiculturalism, integration, and assimilation.
- Description
- Bio
- Table of Contents
- Sample Chapters
- Subjects
Mattias Karlsson is a researcher in Assyriology and Egyptology. He is the author of Alterity in Ancient Assyrian Propaganda and Relations of Power in Early Neo-Assyrian State Ideology, the former of which is distributed by Penn State University Press.
List of Illustrations
Bibliographical abbreviations
Symbols and other abbreviations
1. Introduction
1.1 Aims and questions
1.2 Previous research
1.3 Material and method
1.4 Theory
1.5 Historical Background
2. The Evidence: The Individual Level and the Biographic Perspective
2.1 Identified Africans
2.1.1 People with clearly African names
2.1.2 People identified as Africans via ethnonyms
2.1.3 People identified as Africans via family relations
2.1.4 People identified as Africans via institutional affiliations
2.2 Likely and possible Africans
2.2.1 People with likely and possibly African names
2.2.2 People indirectly identifiable as Africans
2.3 Anonymous Africans
3. The Evidence: The Collective Level and the Demographic Perspective
3.1 Demographics and the African group: identities and properties
3.1.1 The ethnic composition of the African group
3.1.2 The sex/gender composition of the African group
3.1.3 The age composition of the African group
3.1.4 The class composition of the African group
3.2 Demographics and the African group: settings and circumstances
3.2.1 The temporal distribution of the African group
3.2.2 The spatial distribution of the African group
3.2.3 The backgrounds to the presence of the African group
4. Conclusion
4.1 Africans in the Neo-Assyrian empire: integration and assimilation
4.2 African-Mesopotamian relations: the Neo-Assyrian experience
5. Bibliography
6. Illustrations
7. Appendices and Indices
7.1 Appendices
7.1.1 Identified Africans
7.1.2 Likely and possible Africans
7.1.3 Anonymous Africans
7.1.4 Demographic statistics
7.1.5 Egyptian names and words in cuneiform
7.2 Indices
7.2.1 Deities
7.2.2 People
7.2.3 Places
7.2.4 Texts
7.2.5 Egyptian words
Download a PDF sample chapter here: Introduction
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