The Heirs of Assyria
Proceedings of the Opening Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project Held in Tvarminne, Finland, October 8–11, 1998
Edited by Sana Aro and Robert Whiting
The Heirs of Assyria
Proceedings of the Opening Symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project Held in Tvarminne, Finland, October 8–11, 1998
Edited by Sana Aro and Robert Whiting
Investigating Mesopotamian culture from the second millennium BC until Islamic times, the Melammu Symposia promote interdisciplinary research and cross-cultural studies by providing a forum in which cultural continuity, diffusion, and transformation in the ancient world can be assessed systematically. The present volume makes available the papers presented at the opening symposium of the Assyrian and Babylonian Intellectual Heritage Project (Melammu) in Tvarminne, Finland, on October 8–11, 1998.
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Subjects
FOREWORD - Simo Parpola
Symposium Program
Lists of Participants
Extracts from the Minutes of the Symposium - Sanna Aro
The Name and Logo of Melammu - Simp Parpola
M. J. GELLER, The Survival of Babylonian Wissenschaft in Later Tradition
G. B. LANFRANCHI, The Ideological and Political Impact of the Assyrian Imperial Expansion on the Greek World in the 8th and 7th Centuries BC
A. PANAINO, The Mesopotamian Heritage of Achaemenian Kingship
K. A. RAAFLAUB, Influence, Adaptation, and Interaction: Near Eastern and Early Greek Political Thought
R. ROLLINGER, Herodotus and the Intellectual Heritage of the Ancient Near East
A. M. SAADI, The Originality of Syriac Historiography
M. L. WEST, Fable and Disputation
J. G. WESTENHOLZ, The King, the Emperor, and the Empire: Continuity and Discontinuity of Royal Representation in Text and Image
M. S. WHITING, On a Lighter Note
Addresses of the Contributors
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