The 2002 Season at Tall al ‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies
Edited by Larry G. Herr, Douglas R. Clark, and Lawrence T. Geraty
The 2002 Season at Tall al ‘Umayri and Subsequent Studies
Edited by Larry G. Herr, Douglas R. Clark, and Lawrence T. Geraty
This eighth volume of the Madaba Plains Project’s excavations at Tall al ʿUmayri covers the important finds of the 2002 season, updating and synthesizing the work that has been done to date.
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Accompanied by more than two hundred illustrations, it includes a summary of the cumulative results of all excavation seasons from 1984 through 2002, with a detailed description of the various levels that have been discovered. The contributions to this volume discuss at length the results of the 2002 season, specifically in fields B, H, and L, which helped to clarify the stratigraphy of the site and contributed to the long-term objectives of the excavation—in particular, the goal of elucidating the cycles of intensification and abatement of habitation and land use at and around the site, with a view to understanding how ‘Umayri influenced and participated in these processes.
In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include John W. Betlyon, Kent V. Bramlett, Julie L. Cormack, Marcel den Nijs, David C. Hopkins, Gloria London, Kevin Nick, and Monique D. Vincent.
Larry G. Herr is Professor of Religion at Canadian University College.
Douglas R. Clark is Director of the Center for Near Eastern Archaeology at La Sierra University.
Lawrence T. Geraty retired as President of La Sierra University.
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