Distant Impressions
The Senses in the Ancient Near East
Edited by Ainsley Hawthorn and Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel
Distant Impressions
The Senses in the Ancient Near East
Edited by Ainsley Hawthorn and Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel
“The sensory worlds of the Hittites, Akkadians, Neo-Assyrians, and late Neolithic Halaf culture are explored in essays by different authors within this interesting, well-researched, and attractively designed work.”
- Description
- Reviews
- Bio
- Table of Contents
The essays in this book approach the question of sensory experience in ancient Near Eastern societies from philological, literary, art historical, and archaeological perspectives. They address the means of sense perception (such as vision, hearing, and smell) and the objects of perception (such as light, noise, and odor), examining the senses within religious, political, and social frameworks. The first part of this volume looks at the monumental architecture, bas-reliefs, and tablets of the Neo-Assyrian period, while the second explores sensory dimensions of the built environment and textual representations of sensation in other times and places, such as Neolithic northern Mesopotamia and Hittite Anatolia. Building on recent scholarship that focuses on the social aspects of sensation in history, Distant Impressions brings this approach to bear on ancient Near Eastern studies for the first time.
In addition to the editors, the contributors include Elke Friedrich, Sara Manasterska, Alice Mouton, Kiersten Neumann, Ludovico Portuese, and Diana Stein.
“The sensory worlds of the Hittites, Akkadians, Neo-Assyrians, and late Neolithic Halaf culture are explored in essays by different authors within this interesting, well-researched, and attractively designed work.”
Ainsley Hawthorn is an alumna of Yale University and a nonfiction author.
Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel is Lecturer (maître de conférences) in Assyriology at the University of Strasbourg.
List of Abbreviations
The Senses in the Ancient Near East: An Introduction
Ainsley Hawthorn and Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel
Part 1: The Neo-Assyrian Period
Chapter 1 Sensing the Sacred in the Neo-Assyrian Temple: The Presentation of Offerings to the Gods
Kiersten Neumann
Chapter 2 The Throne Room of Aššurnaṣirpal II: A Multisensory Experience
Ludovico Portuese
Chapter 3 Looking and Seeing in the Neo-Assyrian Letters
Sara Manasterska
Chapter 4
The Shifting Gaze: Looking and Seeing in the Neo-Assyrian Royal Inscriptions
Ainsley Hawthorn
Part 2: Comparative Perspectives
Chapter 5 Architecture and Acoustic Resonance: The Tholoi at Arpachiyah Reconsidered Within a Wider Neolithic Context
Diana Stein
Chapter 6 Toward a Classification of Akkadian Verbs of Perception
Elke Friedrich
Chapter 7 Representing the Senses in Hittite Religious Texts: The Case of Sight
Alice Mouton
Chapter 8 The Caterpillar That Shouted: Akkadian Omens and Multisensoriality
Anne-Caroline Rendu Loisel
List of Contributors
Index of Ancient Sources
Index of Subjects
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