Babel und Bibel 9
Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for Comparative Semitics and Other Studies
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, N. Koslova, S. Loesov, and S. Tishchenko
Babel und Bibel 9
Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for Comparative Semitics and Other Studies
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, N. Koslova, S. Loesov, and S. Tishchenko
This is the ninth volume of Babel und Bibel, an annual of ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic studies. The principal goal of the annual is to reveal the inherent relationship between Assyriology, Semitics, and biblical studies—a relationship that our predecessors comprehended and fruitfully explored but that is often neglected today. The title Babel und Bibel is intended to point to the possibility of fruitful collaboration among the three disciplines, in an effort to explore the various civilizations of the ancient Near East.
- Description
- Table of Contents
This volume includes as a major portion of its contents selected papers from the 6th Biannual Meeting of the International Association for Comparative Semitics.
Selected Papers Presented at the 6th Biannual Meeting of the International Association for Comparative Semitics
Maria Bulakh. Was There a Color Term *ḥmr in Proto-Semitic?
Gregorio del Olmo Lete. The Use of the Infinitive in Sequential Constructions in Ugaritic
Yulia Furman, Sergey Loesov. Notes on Historical Morphology of Turoyo
Viktor Golinets. Amorite Animal Names: Cognates for the Semitic Etymological Dictionary
Olga Kapeliuk. Neo-Semitic: New Verb Forms, New Usage
Geoffrey Khan. Remarks on Roots and Stems in Christian Urmi Dialect of Neo-Aramaic
Manfred Krebernik. Etymological and Historical Problems Concerning Akkadian tamkaru “merchantâ€
Tania Notarius. The Second-Person Non-Negated Jussive in the Language of Ugaritic Poetry in Comparative Semitic Perspective
Peter Stein. The Cohortative in Biblical Hebrew – Subjunctive or Energic? A New Approach from the Sabaic Perspective
Olga Stolbova. Ethiosemitic – Chadic Lexical Parallels
Gábor Takács. Semitic "Fat": Some New Etymologies
Eulàlia Vernet. Etymologischer Ursprung der reduplizierten und geminierten Wurzeln im Proto-Semitischen
Mariona Vernet. Proto-Indo-European and Proto-Semitic Verbal Root Incompatibilities: A New Typological Approach
Other Studies
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Enrique Jiménez. May the Reader Not Withhold the Tablet! On a Formula in Late Babylonian Colophons
M. Maiocchi. Classical Sargonic Tablets Chiefly from Adab in the Cornell University Collections (E. Markina)
A. Kloekhorst. Accent in Hittite: A Study in Plene Spelling, Consonant Gradation, Clitics, and Metrics. (A. Sideltsev, M. Molina)
Semitic Studies
T. Fain, J. N. Ford, A. Lyavdansky. Aramaic Incantation Bowls at the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Short Notes
L. Kogan, A. I. al-Daʿrhi, K. McNeer. Vitaly
N. Kuzin, S. Loesov. The Sun Also Rises: ko-saləq u=yawmo
Old Testament Studies
C. von Büttner. "My God Was My Help": A Note on the Great Isaiah Scroll (Isa 49:5)
Abbreviations of Periodicals, Reference Works, Series, Sources, and Languages
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