Cover image for Gezer VI: The Objects from Phases I and II (1964–1974) By Garth Gilmour, with Joe D. Seger, withWilliam G. Dever, and with Reuben G. Bullard

Gezer VI

The Objects from Phases I and II (1964–1974)

Garth Gilmour, with Joe D. Seger, with William G. Dever, with Reuben G. Bullard, and with H. Darrell Lance


$124.95 | Hardcover Edition
ISBN: 978-1-57506-312-6

400 pages
8.5" × 11"

Gezer VI

The Objects from Phases I and II (1964–1974)

Garth Gilmour, with Joe D. Seger, with William G. Dever, with Reuben G. Bullard, and with H. Darrell Lance

Publication of Gezer VI: The Objects from Phases I and II (1964–1974) continues the presentation of archaeological reports on the Hebrew Union College-Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East Excavations at Gezer between 1964 and 1974 as part of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology Annual Series. With the exception of objects previously published in Gezer V, Gezer VI provides a comprehensive database with listings of all of the objects recovered during both the Phase I (1968–1971) and Phase II (1971–1974) HUC excavations at the site. In addition, the volume offers a summary of the stratigraphic history of Tell Gezer and includes a series of plates illustrating a large sample of the finds sorted by type and strata. Provided also are a series of comparative studies of the major material and type groupings of the object repertoire.


  • Description
  • Table of Contents
Publication of Gezer VI: The Objects from Phases I and II (1964–1974) continues the presentation of archaeological reports on the Hebrew Union College-Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East Excavations at Gezer between 1964 and 1974 as part of the Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology Annual Series. With the exception of objects previously published in Gezer V, Gezer VI provides a comprehensive database with listings of all of the objects recovered during both the Phase I (1968–1971) and Phase II (1971–1974) HUC excavations at the site. In addition, the volume offers a summary of the stratigraphic history of Tell Gezer and includes a series of plates illustrating a large sample of the finds sorted by type and strata. Provided also are a series of comparative studies of the major material and type groupings of the object repertoire.


Author’s Preface


Introduction (W. G. Dever and Joe D. Seger)

Chapter 1. The Nature and Use of This Volume (W. G. Dever, Garth Gilmour, and Joe D. Seger)

Chapter 2. A Brief Summary of the Stratigraphy and Cultural History of Gezer (W. G. Dever and Joe D. Seger)


Str. XXV



Str. XXI

Str. XX



Str. XVI

Str. XV

Str. XIV



Str. X–IX


Str. VII

Str. VI

Str. V

Str. IV

Str. III

Str. II

Str. I


Chapter 3. A Database of Objects from the HUC Excavations at Tell Gezer (1964–1974)

1. Bone and Ivory Objects

2. Ceramic Objects

3. Faience and Frit Objects

4. Figurines

5. Inscriptions and Seal impressions

6. Loom Weights

7. Metal Objects

8. Shell Objects

9. Stone Objects

10. Whorls and Buttons

Appendix A. Egyptian Amulets from Gezer (C. Herrmann)

I. Introduction

II. Catalog

1. Anthropomorphic Figures

2. Animals

3. Object Amulets

4. Winged Scarab (?)

Appendix B. Beads and Pendants from Gezer (M. Spaer)

Earliest Finds

Late Bronze Age to Hellenistic Period



Other Siliceous Materials

Ornamental Stone


Various Materials

Late Finds


Appendix C. The Coins from Gezer (D. Barag)


Appendix D. The Glass Vessels from Gezer (D. Barag)

Late Bronze Age II

Persian to Early Hellenistic Periods

Late Roman–Byzantine and Medieval Period


Appendix E. Stamp-Seal Amulets from Gezer (O. Keel)


Appendix F. The Plaque Figurines from Gezer (I. Cornelius)

1. Catalog

2. Types

I: Hands Raised—Holding Plants or Empty

II: Hands Holding the Breasts

III: Arms Hanging Down

IV: Lower Body and Leg Fragments

V: Head Fragments

3. Function and Interpretation

Appendix G. Stamped Amphora Handles from the American Excavations at Gezer (D. T. Ariel)


A. Rhodian Stamped Handles

B. Rhodian Stamped Handles: Names Not Read

C. Zenon Group Stamped Handle

D. Latin Class Stamped Handle?


A. Names of Persons

B. Rhodian Months

C. Devices

Appendix H. The Chipped Stone Collection from the Gezer Fields (S. A. Rosen and Z. Gotesman)

1. Introduction

2. Description of the Assemblage

a. Raw Materials

b. Waste

c. Tools

3. Discussion

4. Conclusions


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