Material Culture Matters
Essays on the Archaeology of the Southern Levant in Honor of Seymour Gitin
Edited by John R. Spencer, Robert A. Mullins, and Aaron J. Brody
Material Culture Matters
Essays on the Archaeology of the Southern Levant in Honor of Seymour Gitin
Edited by John R. Spencer, Robert A. Mullins, and Aaron J. Brody
Dr. Seymour Gitin is completing his tenure as Director and Dorot Professor at the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem. Much of his long career has been spent helping young scholars expand their contacts and hone their skills. This volume is a collection of articles by some of the many developing scholars and Albright fellows with whom Sy has shared his time and knowledge. Their appreciation shows in the quality of their articles, the breadth of their interests, and their dedication to Sy Gitin.
- Description
- Table of Contents
The articles range from a discussion of tomb robbing in Palestinian areas, to a geographical analysis of the Shephelah region, to Islamic historical texts, to Israelite cult stands, to Middle Bronze Age burials. In addition, there are several articles by former members of the Tel Miqne–Ekron staff that draw on the finds from that site and further demonstrate Sy’s willingness to mentor and to share the publication of the site’s rich trove of materials.
This book not only honors Dr. Gitin by the willingness of fellows to contribute to the volume; it also expands our knowledge base of the southern Levant and shows that “Material Culture Matters.”
Sy Gitin: A Fellow’s Reminiscences Aaron J. Brody
Personal Reminiscences Robert A. Mullins
Bibliography of Seymour Gitin
The Umayyad Pottery of Palestine Marwan Abu Khalaf
Marked Jar Handles from Tel Miqne–Ekron David Ben-Shlomo
The Southwestern Border of Judah in the 9th and 8th Centuries B.C.E. Jeffrey A. Blakely, James W. Hardin, and Daniel M. Master
Interregional Interaction in the Late Iron Age: Phoenician and Other Foreign Goods from Tell en-Nasbeh Aaron Brody
Three Middle Bronze II Burials from Tel Zahara Susan L. Cohen and Wieslaw Wieckowsk
A Late Iron Age Cult Stand from Gezer Garth Gilmour
Tomb Raiding in Western Ramallah Province, Palestine: An Ethnographic Study Salah Hussein al-Houdalieh
Lambs to the Slaughter: Late Iron Age Cultic Orientations at Philistine Ekron Edward F. Maher
Competing Material Culture: Philistine Settlement at Tel Miqne–Ekron in the Early Iron Age Laura Mazow
Mother-and-Child Figurines in the Levant from the Late Bronze Age through the Persian Period Beth Alpert Nakhai
The Evolution of the Sacred Area at Tell es-Sultan/Jericho Hani Nur el-Din
“Ashdod Ware” from Ekron Stratum IV Degenerated and Late Philistine Decorated Ware Steven M. Ortiz
New Perspectives on the Chalcolithic Period in the Galilee: Investigations at the Site of Marj Rabba Yorke M. Rowan and Morag M. Kersel
An Overview of Iron Age Gaza in Light of the Archaeological Evidence Moain Sadeq
Tobacco Pipes and the Ophir Expedition to Southern Sinai: Archaeological Evidence of Tobacco Smoking among 18th- and 20th-Century Bedouin Squatters Benjamin Adam Saidel
King David in Mujir al-Din’s 15th-Century History of Jerusalem Robert Schick
An Iron Age II Tomb at Anata Hamdan Taha
The Ups and Downs of Settlement Patterns: Why Sites Fluctuate Joe Uziel, Itzhaq Shai, and Deborah Cassuto
The Horned Stands from Tell A s and Hazor and the “Crowns” from Nahal Mishmar Alexander Zukerman
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