Megiddo V
The 2004–2008 Seasons
Edited by Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin, and Eric H. Cline
Megiddo V
The 2004–2008 Seasons
Edited by Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin, and Eric H. Cline
This 3-volume set is the third in the series of final publications of the Megiddo Expedition (see Megiddo III: The 1992–1996 Seasons, 2000; Megiddo IV: The 1998–2002 Seasons, 2006). It reports the finds in the 2004–2008 seasons, with several references to the campaign of 2010. The main topics dealt with are: a final account of the Early Bronze Age cultic compound; excavations of the late Iron I layer in Area H and the Late Bronze II–III layers in Area K; report on the investigation of Schumacher’s Nordburg and Chamber f and its surroundings; the Late Bronze II–III, Iron I, and Iron IIA pottery of Megiddo; and a variety of microarchaeology studies.
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Volume 1
Section 1: Introduction
1. The 2004–2008 Seasons Israel Finkelstein, David Ussishkin, and Eric H. Cline
Section 2: Stratigraphy and Architecture
2. Area J
Part 1: Introduction Matthew J. Adams
Part 2: Sub-Area Lower J Adi Keinan
Part 3: The Main Sector of Area J Matthew J. Adams
Part 4: Sub-Area Upper J Matthew J. Adams and James M. Bos
Part 5: Analyses of Sediments from the Level J-4 Temple Floor David Friesem and Ruth Shahack-Gross
3. Area K
Part 1: Levels K-8 and K-7 Mario A.S. Martin, Noga Blockman, and Julye Bidmead
Part 2: Level K-6 Eran Arie and Assaf Nativ
4. Area M
Part 1: The Excavation Norma Franklin
Part 2: An Architectural Study of Chamber F Alexander Pechuro
Part 3: Another Interpretation of the Remains: The Nordburg and Chamber F Israel Finkelstein
5. Area H: Levels H-9 to H-5 Eran Arie
6. Area L and Inbal Samet Eric H. Cline
7. Area P Norma Franklin
Volume 2
Section 3: Pottery
8. The Early Bronze Age Pottery from Area J Matthew J. Adams
9. Experimental Archaeology: Investigating a Unique Burnishing Technique on an Early Bronze III Jug Rachel Pelta
10. The Late Bronze IIB Pottery from Levels K-8 and K-7 Mario A. S. Martin
11. Cypriot, Mycenaean and Derivative Forms from Levels K-8 and K-7 Assaf Yasur-Landau
12. The Late Bronze III and Iron I Pottery: Levels K-6, M-6, M-5, M-4 and H-9 Eran Arie
13. The Iron IIA Pottery Eran Arie
Volume 3
Section 4: Other Finds
14. The Chipped Stone Assemblage Julie Ellis
15. The Small Finds Noga Blockman and Benjamin Sass
16. The Groundstone Assemblage Daniel Rosenberg
17. Stamp-Seal Amulets Othmar Keel
18. Cylinder Seals Baruch Brandl
19. The Amulets Christian Herrmann
20. Figurative Clay Artefacts Laura Peri
21. A Late Bronze Age Gold Pendant
from Area K Margaret E. Cohen
22. A Double Axe from Level H-9 Assaf Yasur-Landau
23. Textile Production Julye Bidmead
24. Games Philippe Guillaume
Section 5: Environmental and Physical Studies
25. Radiocarbon Dating of the Iron Age Levels Ayelet Gilboa, Ilan Sharon, and Elisabetta Boaretto
26. The Human Remains Galit Sameora
27. Faunal Remains from the Iron Age Levels Aharon Sasson
28. The Micromammalian Remains Lior Weissbrod
29. Mollusc Shells Inbar Ktalav
30. Wood Remains Nili Liphschitz
31. Petrographic Analysis of Iron Age Vessels Carolina Aznar
32. Petrographic Analysis of Late Bronze III, Late Iron I and Iron IIA Pottery David Ben-Shlomo
33. Micromorphological Observations in Area K: Implications for Trash Disposal Behaviour Ruth Shahack-Gross
34. Geoarchaeological Study in Area K: Threshing Floor or Midden? Mor Gafri and Ruth Shahack-Gross
35. Metalworking in Area K: A Reevaluation Adi Eliyahu-Behar, Naama Yahalom-Mack, Yuval Gadot, and Israel Finkelstein
36. In Search of the Middle Bronze Age City-Gate: Introduction to the Geophysical Surveys Israel Finkelstein and David Ussishkin
37. Electromagnetic Survey in the Vicinity of Area F Boaz Gattenio and Shmuel Marco
38. Magnetic Prospecting to the North of the Late Bronze City Gate Sonia Itkis and Lev Eppelbaum
Section 6: Summary and Conclusions
39. Comments on the Early Bronze Cultic Compound, 1992–2010 David Ussishkin
40. Archaeological and Historical Conclusions Israel Finkelstein
Indices of Loci
Yaniv Agmon
Field Loci
Final Loci
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