Babel und Bibel 6
Annual of Ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic Studies
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, N. Koslova, S. Loesov, and S. Tishchenko
Babel und Bibel 6
Annual of Ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic Studies
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, N. Koslova, S. Loesov, and S. Tishchenko
This is the sixth volume of Babel und Bibel, an annual of ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic studies. The principal goal of the annual is to reveal the inherent relationship between Assyriology, Semitics, and biblical studies—a relationship that our predecessors comprehended and fruitfully explored but that is often neglected today. The title Babel und Bibel is intended to point to the possibility of fruitful collaboration among the three disciplines, in an effort to explore the various civilizations of the ancient Near East.
- Description
- Table of Contents
The tripartite division of Babel und Bibel corresponds to its three principal spheres of interest: ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic studies. Contributions are further subdivided into articles, short notes, and reviews. Highlights of this volume include several studies on Akkadian language, Mesopotamian literature, and publication of inscriptions in some Russian museums (in the ancient Near Eastern section); studies on negative markers in Semitic and on Aramaic language (in the Semitics section); and some significant review essays on important new publications, especially in Hebrew language, Aramaic, Hurrian, Lycian, Egyptian, and Syriac.
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Les véhicules terrestres dans les textes de Mari, II: Le harnachement et l’équipement de chars en cuir et en tissu I. Arkhipov
Akka von Kiš und die Arbeitsverweigerer J. Keetman
The Old Babylonian Omens in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow I. Khait
SF 50 // 52: Zwei bislang unerkannte
Duplikate aus Fāra M. Krebernik
The Suffixing Conjugation of Akkadian: In Search of Its Meaning S. Loesov
IPTANARRAS Can Render the “Basic” Present (Akkadian Sentences about the Present Time III/1) S. Loesov
Akkadian of the Me-ság
Archive E. Markina
Philological Notes on the First Tablet of the Standard Babylonian
Gilgameš Epic R. Nurullin
The Name of Gilgameš in the Light of Line 47 of the First Tablet of the Standard Babylonian Gilgameš Epic R. Nurullin
Another Attempt at Two Kassite Royal Inscriptions: The Agum-Kakrime Inscription and the Inscription of Kurigalzu the son of Kadashmanharbe T. Oshima
Sumerian: A Uralic Language II S. Parpola
Old Testament Studies
Intended Lexical Ambiguity in the Song of Songs Y. Eidelkind
Abram and Sarai in Egypt (Genesis 12:10–20) J. Joosten
Semitic Studies
Negative markers *ˀay-, *ˀi-, and *ˀal- in Ethio-Semitic M. Bulakh
A New Attempt at Reconstructing Proto-Aramaic, I S. Loesov
Ein weiteres arabisches Syntagma in der altsüdarabischen
Epigraphik P. Stein
Short Notes
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Idanda Archive and the Syrian Campaigns of Suppiluliuma I: New Pieces for the Puzzle D. Gromova
Marginalia Sargonica. I L. Kogan and E. Markina
Accusative casus pendens: Some Further Examples L. Kogan and M. Worthington
Old Testament Studies
Exodus 33:7 and Different Syntactic Patterns for Linking Participial Conditional Clauses with the Main Clause M. Seleznev
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
G. Neumann. Glossar des Lykischen.
Überarbeitet und zum Druck gebracht von Johann Tischler A. Kassian
Recent Studies of Hurrian A. Kassian
H. Waetzoldt, H. Hauptmann (Hrsg.).
Von Sumer nach Ebla und zurück.
Festschrift für Giovanni
Pettinato L. Kogan N. Koslova
Old Testament Studies
I. Young; R. Rezetko, with the assistance of M. Ehrensvärd. Linguistic
Dating of Biblical Texts.
An Introduction to Approaches
and Problems J. Joosten
Semitic Studies
Aramaic in Its Historical and Linguistic
Setting. Ed. by H. Gzella
M. L. Folmer E. Barsky et al.
Egyptian, Semitic and General Grammar. Studies in Memory of H. J. Polotsky.
Ed. by G. Goldenberg and
A. Shisha-Halevy M. Bulakh
C. A. Ciancaglini. Iranian Loanwords
in Syriac L. Kogan and S. Loesov
Sh. Talay. Die neuaramäischen Dialekte
der Khabur-Assyrer in
Nordostsyrien: Einführung,
Phonologie und
Morphologie A. Lyavdansky
G. Takács. Etymological Dictionary
of Egyptian. III A. Militarev
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