The Bible and the Ancient Near East
Essays in Honor of William Foxwell Albright
Edited by G. Ernest Wright
The Bible and the Ancient Near East
Essays in Honor of William Foxwell Albright
Edited by G. Ernest Wright
Paperback reprint (2010) of the Eisenbrauns 1979 edition.
- Description
- Table of Contents
1. Modern Study of Old Testament Literature John Bright
2. Biblical History in Transition George E. Mendenhall
3. The Hebrew Language in Its Northwest Semitic Background William J. Moran, S. J.
4. The Archaeology of Palestine G. Ernest Wright
5. The Textual Criticism of the Old Testament Harry M. Orlinsky
6. The Development of the Jewish Scripts Frank M. Cross, Jr.
7. The Chronology of Israel and the Ancient Near East
A. Old Testament Chronology David Noel Freedman
B. The Ancient Near East: Chronological Bibliography and Charts Edward F. Campbell, Jr.
8. South Arabian History and Archaeology Gus W. van Beek
9. Sumerian Literature, A General Survey Samuel Noah Kramer
10. Formative Tendencies in Sumerian Religion Thorkild Jacobsen
11. Egypt: Its Language and Literature Thomas O. Lambdin
12. Egyptian Culture and Religion John A. Wilson
13. Hittite and Anatolian Studies Albrecht Goetze
Appendix I: The Role of the Canaanites in the History of Civilization W. F. Albright
Appendix II: Bibliography of W. F. Albright
Author Index
Subject Index
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