Babel und Bibel 3
Annual of Ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament and Semitic Studies
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, Natalia Koslova, Sergey Loesov, and Serguei Tishchenko
Babel und Bibel 3
Annual of Ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament and Semitic Studies
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, Natalia Koslova, Sergey Loesov, and Serguei Tishchenko
This is the third volume of Babel & Bibel, an annual of ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic studies. The principal goal of the annual is to reveal the inherent relationship between Assyriology, Semitics, and biblical studies—a relationship that our predecessors comprehended and fruitfully explored but that is often neglected today. The title Babel & Bibel is intended to point to the possibility of fruitful collaboration among the three disciplines, in an effort to explore the various civilizations of the ancient Near East.
- Description
- Table of Contents
The tripartite division of Babel & Bibel corresponds to its three principal spheres of interest: ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic studies. Contributions are further subdivided into articles, short notes, and reviews.
I. Articles
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
J. Keetman Gab es ein h im Sumerischen?
M. Khachikyan Towards the Aspect System in Sumerian
N. Koslova Barley Rations in Umma during the Third Dynasty of Ur
M. Krebernik Philologische Aspekte elamisch-mesopotamischer Beziehungen im Überblick
S. Loesov Marginalia on the Akkadian Ventive
S. Loesov Akkadian Sentences about the Present Time, II/1
I. Schrakamp Kommentar zu der altakkadischen “Rüstkammerurkunde” Erm
W. Sommerfeld Eine Sammeltafel der Akkade-Zeit aus der St. Petersburger Eremitage über die Ausgabe von Waffen
Old Testament Studies
M. Bulakh Basic Color Terms of Biblical Hebrew in Diachronic Aspect.
Y. Eiedelkind Two Notes on Cant 4:12
L. Kogan The Etymology of Israel (with an Appendix on non-Hebrew Semitic Names among Hebrews in the Old Testament)
L. Kogan Animal Names of Biblical Hebrew: An Etymological Survey
S. Ruzer Son of God as Son of David: Luke’s Attempt to Biblicize a Problematic Notion
M. Seleznev Syntactic Parsing behind the Masoretic Accentuation (I)
M. Seleznev A Greek Rhetorician and the LXX (What does stereoma mean?)
Semitic Studies
V. Blažek Natural Phenomena, Time and Geographical Terminology in Beja Lexicon Fragment of a Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of Beja: II
L. Kogan Lexical Evidence and the Genealogical Position of Ugaritic (I)
A. Militarev Towards the Genetic Affiliation of Ongota, a Nearly-Extinct Language of Ethiopia (II)
II. Short Notes
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
M. Dandamaev A Babylonian Trader from Uruk
I. Kaneva Sumerian Comparative Clauses
I. Khait, R. Nurullin Observations on an Old Babylonian Gilgamesh Tablet from the Schøyen Collection
F. Rahman “A city does not approach a city, a man approaches a man” Interpretation of one Old Babylonian Proverb in the Light of a Neo-Aramaic Proverb
Old Testament Studies
S. Tishchenko To Curse God? Some Remarks on Jacob Milgrom’s Interpretation of Lev 24:10-16, 23
III. Reviews
Ancient Near Estern Studies
Rebecca Hasselbach Sargonic Akkadian: A Historical and Comparative Study of the Syllabic Texts (L. Kogan, E. Markina).
Assyria and Beyond. Studies presented to Mogens Trolle Larsen. (L. Kogan, N. Koslova S. Loesov).
Old Testament Studies
E. Gass Die Ortsnamen des Richterbuchs in historicher und redaktioneller Perspektive (Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 35) (M. Seleznev).
Semitic Studies
H. Gzella Tempus, Aspekt und Modalität im Reichsaramäischen (S. Loesov).
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