Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E.
Edited by Oded Lipschits, Gary N. Knoppers, and Rainer Albertz
Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E.
Edited by Oded Lipschits, Gary N. Knoppers, and Rainer Albertz
During the past decade, the period from the 7th century B.C.E. and later has been a major focus because it is thought to be the era when much of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament was formed. As a result, there has also been much interest in the historical developments of that time and specifically in the status of Judah and its neighbors. Three conferences dealing roughly with a century each were organized, and the first conference was held in Tel Aviv in 2001; the proceedings of that conference were published as Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period. The second volume was published in early 2006, a report on the conference held in Heidelberg in July 2003: Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Judah and the Judeans in the Fourth Century B.C.E. is the publication of the proceedings of the third conference, which was held in Muenster, Germany, in August 2005; the essays in it focus on the century during which the Persian Empire fell to Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic kingdoms came to the fore.
Participants whose contributions are published here are: R. Achenbach, R. Albertz, B. Becking, E. Ben Zvi, J. Blenkinsopp, E. Eshel, H. Eshel, L. L. Grabbe, A. Kloner, G. N. Knoppers, I. Kottsieper, A. Lemaire, O. Lipschits, Y. Magen, K. Schmid, I. Stern., O. Tal, D. Vanderhooft, J. Wiesehöfer, J. L. Wright, and J. W. Wright.
Part I: The History of the Fourth Century: A View from the Center
The Achaemenid Empire in the Fourth Century B.C.E.: A Period of Decline? Josef Wiesehöfer
Part II: Judah in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods
The Settlement Archaeology of the Province of Judah: A Case Study Oded Lipschits and Oren Tal
Administration in Fourth Century B.C.E. Judah in Light of Epigraphy and Numismatics André Lemaire
Yehud Stamp Impressions of the Fourth Century B.C.E.: A Time of Administrative Consolidation? Oded Lipschits and David Vanderhooft
‘And They Did Not Care to Speak Yehudit’: On Linguistic Change in Judah during the Late Persian Era Ingo Kottsieper
Archaeology and Archaiologias: Relating Excavations to History in Fourth-Century B.C.E. Palestine Lester L. Grabbe
Part III: Edom and Samaria: Judah’s Neighbors in the Late Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods
Idumea in the Late Persian Period (Fourth Century B.C.E.) Amos Kloner and Ian Stern
The Onomasticon of Mareshah in the Persian and Hellenistic Periods Esther Eshel
The Dating of the First Phase of the Samaritan Temple on Mount Gerizim in Light of the Archaeological Evidence Yitzhak Magen
Do the Earliest Samaritan Inscriptions Already Indicate a Parting of the Ways? Bob Becking
The Governors of Samaria in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C.E. Hanan Eshel
Part IV: Biblical Literature in the Late Persian and Hellenistic Periods
The Late Persian Formation of the Torah: Observations on Deuteronomy 34 Konrad Schmid
The Pentateuch, the Prophets, and the Torah in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C.E. Reinhard Achenbach
The Canonical Alignment of the Book of Joshua Rainer Albertz
Nehemiah and Sanballat: The Enemy Without or Within? Gary N. Knoppers
A New Model for the Composition of Ezra-Nehemiah Jacob L. Wright
Who Knew What? The Construction of the Monarchic Past in Chronicles and Implications for the Intellectual Setting of Chronicles Ehud Ben Zvi
‘Those Doing the Work for the Service in the House of the Lord’: 1 Chronicles 23:6-24:31 and the Sociohistorical Context of the Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem in the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period John W. Wright
The Development of Jewish Sectarianism from Nehemiah to the Hasidim Joseph Blenkinsopp
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