Bringing the Hidden to Light: The Process of Interpretation
Studies in Honor of Stephen A. Geller
Edited by Kathryn F. Kravitz and Diane M. Sharon
Bringing the Hidden to Light: The Process of Interpretation
Studies in Honor of Stephen A. Geller
Edited by Kathryn F. Kravitz and Diane M. Sharon
Geller is Irma Cameron Milstein Professor of Bible at Jewish Theological Seminary. Geller’s attention to language and interest in applying the methods of literary analysis to the Hebrew Bible are reflected in his work throughout his career. He has addressed such topics as “The Dynamics of Parallel Verse” in Deuteronomy 32, the “Language of Imagery in Psalm 114,” and the literary uses of “Cleft Sentences with Pleonastic Pronoun.” Combining a historical orientation with deep exegeses of individual texts, he has focused on the contribution that the literary approach might make to the study of biblical religion. He has developed what he terms a “literary theology,” in which, by examining the literary devices in the passage under consideration, he has been able to formulate emerging religious ideas that the ancient writers did not express in systematic treatises. His method is illustrated in his studies of texts that represent the major religious traditions of the Hebrew Bible; these studies have been collected in Sacred Enigmas, published in 1997.
- Description
- Table of Contents
The essays in this volume were contributed by colleagues, friends, and students of Stephen A. Geller to mark the occasion of his 65th birthday. Contributors include: Tzvi Abusch, Marc Z. Brettler, Alan Cooper, Frank Moore Cross, Stephen Garfinkel, Edward L. Greenstein, Robert A. Harris, S. Tamar Kamionkowski, Kathryn F. Kravitz, Anne Lapidus Lerner, David Marcus, Yochanan Muffs, Benjamin Ravid, Michael Rosenbaum, Raymond P. Scheindlin, William M. Schniedewind, Diane M. Sharon, Benjamin D. Sommer.
Publications of Stephen A. Geller
List of Abbreviations
Biblical Accounts of Prehistory: Their Meaning and Formation Tzvi Abusch
The Poet as Historian: The Plague Tradition in Psalm 105 Marc Z. Brettler
“The Lord Grants Wisdom”: The World View of Proverbs 1–9 Alan Cooper
A Homily on the Book of Jonah Frank Moore Cross
Qoheleth: The Philosopher Means Business Stephen Garfinkel
“On My Skin and in My Flesh”: Personal Experience as a Source of Knowledge in the Book of Job Edward L. Greenstein
Contextual Reading: Rabbi Eliezer of Beaugency’s Commentary on Jonah Robert A. Harris
“In Your Blood, Live” (Ezekiel 16:6): A Reconsideration of Meir Malul’s Adoption Formula S. Tamar Kamionkowski
Biblical Remedial Narratives: The Triumph of the Trophies Kathryn F. Kravitz
Rib Redux: The Essentialist Eve Anne Lapidus Lerner
Prolepsis in the Story of Rahab and the Spies (Joshua 2) David Marcus
On Biblical Anthropomorphism Yochanan Muffs
Biblical Exegesis à la Mercantilism and Raison d’état in Seventeenth-Century Venice: The Discorso of Simone Luzzatto Benjamin Ravid
“You Are My Servant”: Ambiguity and Deutero-Isaiah Michael Rosenbaum
The Song of the Silent Dove: The Pilgrimage of Judah Halevi Raymond P. Scheindlin
The Way of the Word: Textualization in Isaiah 55:6–11 William M. Schniedewind
Choreography of an Intertextual Allusion to Rape in Judges 5:24–27 Diane M. Sharon
Prophecy as Translation: Ancient Israelite Conceptions of the Human Factor in Prophecy Benjamin D. Sommer
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