Babel und Bibel 2: Memoriae Igor M. Diakonoff
Annual of Ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic Studies
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, Natalia Koslova, Sergey Loesov, and Serguei Tishchenko
Babel und Bibel 2: Memoriae Igor M. Diakonoff
Annual of Ancient Near Eastern, Old Testament, and Semitic Studies
Edited by Leonid E. Kogan, Natalia Koslova, Sergey Loesov, and Serguei Tishchenko
The year 2005 marked the 90th anniversary of the birth of Igor Diakonoff (1915–1999). A classical Semitist in educational background, Diakonoff was most influential in his principal field of research—Assyriology. However, Diakonoff was also broadly interested in various aspects of ancient Near Eastern studies, notably Mesopotamian history, Semitic and Afroasiatic linguistics, and biblical studies. Although not major domains of Diakonoff’s scholarship, Biblical Hebrew and the ancient Near Eastern background of the Old Testament were areas of expertise that made him one of the leading figures of biblical studies in Russia. For several decades Diakonoff was a “live bridge” between ancient Near Eastern and Semitic scholars working in Russia and the international scholarly community. Fittingly, this volume of Babel & Bibel in memory of Diakonoff contains essays, short notes, and reviews by scholars from the Russian and international scholarly community on topics in ancient Near Eastern, Semitic and Afroasiatic, and Old Testament studies. The contributors include A. Archi, G. F. del Monte, G. del Olmo Lete, J.-M. Durand, B. R. Foster, P. Franzaroli, S. Loesov, J. Marzahn, J. Pasquali, W. Sommerfeld, K. Markina, N. Roudik, M. P. Streck, M. V. Tonietti, W. R. Garr, K. Jongeling, M. Seleznev, V. Blazek, M. Bulakh, T. Frolova, J. Huehnergard, R. M. Kerr, L. Kogan, A. Militarev, J. Sanmartin, G. Takacs, A. Zaborski, N. V. Koslova, S. Loesov, and L. M. Dreyer.
- Description
- Table of Contents
I. Articles
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
A. Archi The Business of Mr. Iram-malik
G. F. Del Monte The Hittite Herem
G. Del Olmo Lete HALMA of Emar and GLMT of Ugarit: A ‘Dark’ Deity
J. -M. Durand De l’époque amorrite à la Bible: le cas d’Arriyuk
B. R. Foster Shuruppak and the Sumerian City State
P. Fronzarili A Veterinary Prescription Found at Ebla
S. Loesov Akkadian Sentences about the Present Time - Part One
J. Marzahn Spielbretter aus Berlin
J. Pasquali Remarques comparatives sur la symbolique du vêtement à Ébla
W. Sommerfeld, K. Markina, N. Roudik Altakkadische Texte der St. Petersburger Eremitage
M. P. Streck Simply a Seller, Nothing but Gods: The Nominal Suffix -an in Old Babylonian
M. V. Tonietti Symbolisme et mariage à Ébla Aspects du rituel pour l’intronisation du roi
Old Testament Studies
W. R. Garr ’bl in Biblical Hebrew and Beyond: Part I
K. Jongeling ‘And It Came to Pass’ Again
M. Seleznev The Origin of the Tribal Boundaries in Joshua: Administrative Documents or Sacral Geography?
Semitic and Afroasiatic Studies
V. Blazek Natural Phenomena, Time and Geographical Terminology in Beja Lexicon Fragment of a Comparative and Etymological Dictionary of Beja: I
M. Bulakh On Etymology and Usage of Terms of Smell in Geez (Old Ethiopic)
T. Frolova Glottalized Sibilant shin-dot in Modern South Arabian Languages and Its Etymological Perspective
J. Huehnergard Hebrew Verbs I -w/y and a Proto-Semitic Sound Rule
R. M. Kerr North African Centenaria and Hebrew netsibim Some Remarks Relating to the Latino-Punic Inscription from Gasr el-Azaiz (IRT 893)
L. Kogan Lexicon of the Old Aramaic Inscriptions and the Historical Unity of Aramaic
A. Militarev Towards the Genetic Affiliation of Ongota, a Nearly Extinct Language of Ethiopia. I
J. Sanmartín Notizen zur Komponentenverkettung und -syntax bei prädikativen Peronalpronomina der 1. und 2. Person in Semitischen
G. Takács On ‘Modern’ Popular Etymology in Egyptology
A. Zaborski Negative Conjugations in Cushitic
II. Short Notes
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
N. V. Koslova Feld oder Gerste? Zur Versorgung der landwirtschaftlichen Arbeiter in Umma der Ur III-Zeit
S. Loesov Additions and Corrections to ‘T-Perfect in Old Babylonian’
S. Loesov Gone with the Wind?
Old Testament Studies
L. M. Dreyer The Temple of Ezekiel: Why are Some Data Lacking?
L. Kogan Comparative Notes in the Old Testament (I)
III. Reviews
Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Sh. Izre’el É. Cohen Literary Old Babylonian (L. Kogan, S. Loesov)
Semitic Studies
B. Kienast Historische Semitische Sprachwissenschaft (l. Kogan)
Abbreviations of Periodicals, Reference Works, Series, and Sources
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