Cover image for Ancient Israel and Its Neighbors: Interaction and Counteraction By Nadav Na'aman

Ancient Israel and Its Neighbors

Interaction and Counteraction

Nadav Na'aman


$65.95 | Hardcover Edition
ISBN: 978-1-57506-108-5

448 pages
6" × 9"

Ancient Israel and Its Neighbors

Interaction and Counteraction

Nadav Na'aman

Throughout the past three decades, Nadav Na’aman has repeatedly proved that he is one of the most careful historians of ancient Canaan and Israel. With broad expertise, he has brought together archaeology, text, and the inscriptional material from all of the ancient Near East to bear on the history of ancient Israel and the land of Canaan during the second and first millenniums B.C.E. Many of his studies have been published as journal articles or notes and yet, together, they constitute one of the most important bodies of literature on the subject in recent years, particularly because of the careful attention to methodology that Na’aman always has brought to his work.


  • Description
  • Table of Contents
Throughout the past three decades, Nadav Na’aman has repeatedly proved that he is one of the most careful historians of ancient Canaan and Israel. With broad expertise, he has brought together archaeology, text, and the inscriptional material from all of the ancient Near East to bear on the history of ancient Israel and the land of Canaan during the second and first millenniums B.C.E. Many of his studies have been published as journal articles or notes and yet, together, they constitute one of the most important bodies of literature on the subject in recent years, particularly because of the careful attention to methodology that Na’aman always has brought to his work.

Collected here are 25 essays that focus particularly on ancient Israel’s relations with its neighbors and the forces inside the ancient nation that governed those relationships. Subjects range from the battle of Qarqar to the archaeology of the monarchy to the status of governors during the Persian Period.


Ahab’s Chariot Force at the Battle of Qarqar

Jehu Son of Omri: Legitimizing a Loyal Vassal by His Lord

Forced Participation in Alliances in the Course of the Assyrian Campaigns to the West

Rezin of Damascus and the Land of Gilead

Tiglath–pileser III’s Campaigns against Tyre and Israel (734–732 BCE)

Two Notes on the History of Ashkelon and Ekron in the Late Eighth—Seventh Centuries BCE

The Historical Background to the Conquest of Samaria (720 BCE)

The Historical Portion of Sargon II’s Nimrud Inscription

Hezekiah and the Kings of Assyria

Sargon II and the Rebellion of the Cypriot Kings against Shilta of Tyre

The Conquest of Yadnana according to Sargon II’s Inscriptions

Sennacherib’s “Letter to God” on His Campaign to Judah

Hezekiah’s Fortified Cities and the L MLK Stamps

New Light on Hezekiah’s Second Prophetic Story (2 Kings 19:9b–35)

Esarhaddon’s Treaty with Ba’al and Assyrian Provinces along the Phoenician Coast

Population Changes in Palestine following Assyrian Deportations

Province System and Settlement Pattern in Southern Syria and Palestine in the Neo-Assyrian Period

The Brook of Egypt and Assyrian Policy on the Border of Egypt

The Shihor of Egypt and Shur That Is before Egypt

An Assyrian Residence at Ramat Rahel?

Habiru-like Bands in the Assyrian Empire and Bands in Biblical Historiography

Chronology and History in the Late Assyrian Empire (631–619 BCE)

The Kingdom of Judah under Josiah

Nebuchadrezzar’s Campaign in the Year 603 BCE

Royal Vassals or Governors? On the Status of Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel in the Persian Empire

Index of Ancient Personal Names

Index of Places

Index of Biblical References

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