The Historical Jesus in Recent Research
Edited by James D. G. Dunn and Scot McKnight
The past two or three decades have witnessed significant activity in research on the Jesus of the Gospels and history. In fact, there has been such a plethora of publication on such a wide variety of facets of this issue that it is difficult to keep pace with the rate of publication. In this volume, Dunn and McKnight have collected and provided introductions to a wide cross-section of essays on the topic, ranging from classic essays by the likes of Bultmann, Cadbury, and Schweitzer to the most recent investigations of Horsley, Levine, and Wright. This volume will be a very useful book for courses and seminars on Jesus or the historical Jesus, because it draws together in one place a wide variety of perspectives and approaches to the issues.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Authors represented include: P. S. Alexander, D. C. Allison, P. W. Barnett, M. J. Borg, R. Bultmann, H. J. Cadbury, P. M. Casey, G. B. Caird, B. Chilton, C. E. B. Cranfield, J. D. G. Dunn, R. A. Horsley, J. Jeremias, M. Kähler, W. G. Kümmel, E. E. Lemcio, A.-J. Levine, G. Luedemann, J. P. Meier, B. F. Meyer, R. Morgan, J. A. T. Robinson, E. P. Sanders, A. Schweitzer, K. R. Snodgrass, G. N. Stanton, P. Stuhlmacher, G. Theissen, N. T. Wright.
Series Preface
Editors’ Preface
Part 1 Classic Voices
Introduction (James D. G. Dunn)
Albert Schweitzer - The Solution of Thoroughgoing Eschatology
Rudolf Bultmann - View-Point and Method
Henry J. Cadbury - The Cause and Cure of Modernization
Martin Kähler - Against the Life-of-Jesus Movement
Part 2 Methodology
Introduction (James D. G. Dunn)
Rudolf Bultmann - “I”-Sayings
Joachim Jeremias - Characteristics of the Ipsissima Vox
Bruce Chilton - Regnum Dei Deus Est
John P. Meier - Criteria: How Do We Decide What Comes from Jesus?
Eugene E. Lemcio - The Past of Jesus in the Gospels
James D. G. Dunn - The Tradition
Part 3 Teachings of Jesus: God, Kingdom, Ethics, Parables, and Old Testament
Introduction (James D. G. Dunn)
W. G. Kümmel - The Pressing Imminence of the End
Joachim Jeremias - ’Abba as an Address to God
N. T. Wright - Kingdom Redefined: The Announcement
E. P. Sanders - Jesus and the First Table of the Jewish Law
Dale C. Allison, Jr. - The Allusive Jesus
Klyne R. Snodgrass - From Allegorizing to Allegorizing: A History of the Interpretation of the Parables of Jesus
Part 4 Jesus: Who Was He?
Introduction (Scot McKnight)
G. B. Caird - Jesus and the Jewish Nation
Richard A. Horsley - Abandoning the Unhistorical Quest for an Apolitical Jesus Marcus J. Borg - The Spirit-Filled Experience of Jesus
P. M. Casey - Son of Man
Peter Stuhlmacher - The Messianic Son of Man: Jesus’ Claim to Deity
Part 5 Jesus: Major Events
Introduction (Scot McKnight)
Gerd Theissen - The Historical Intention of Primitive Christian Miracle Stories
E. P. Sanders - Jesus and the Temple
C. E. B. Cranfield - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Peter Stuhlmacher - Jesus’ Readiness to Suffer and His Understanding of His Death
Gerd Luedemann - The History and Nature of the Earliest Christian Belief in the Resurrection
Part 6 Jesus and Others
Introduction (Scot McKnight)
Ben F. Meyer - The Judgment and Salvation of Israel
P. W. Barnett - The Jewish Sign Prophets
James D. G. Dunn - Pharisees, Sinners, and Jesus
P. S. Alexander - Jesus and the Golden Rule
Amy-Jill Levine - The Word Becomes Flesh: Jesus, Gender, and Sexuality
Part 7 Conclusion
Conclusion (Scot McKnight)
Rudolf Bultmann - The Message of Jesus and the Problem of Mythology
G. N. Stanton - The Gospel Traditions and Early Christological Reflection
John A. T. Robinson - The Last Tabu? The Self-Consciousness of Jesus
Robert Morgan - The Historical Jesus and the Theology of the New Testament
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture
Index of Other Ancient Sources
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