Liturgy in the Life of the Synagogue
Studies in the History of Jewish Prayer
Edited by Ruth Langer and Steven Fine
Liturgy in the Life of the Synagogue
Studies in the History of Jewish Prayer
Edited by Ruth Langer and Steven Fine
From the ancient rabbis to medieval Ashkenaz, from North Africa to Syria, from the United States to modern Israel, the articles collected in Liturgy in the Life of the Synagogue reflect the diversity of approaches and the questions that modern scholars residing in North America, Europe, and Israel bring to bear on the study of Jewish liturgy. The book spans the entire history of rabbinic prayer and presents a diverse array of approaches, ranging from classical methods applied to new topics to today’s interdisciplinary approaches.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Contributors include: R. Kimelman, S. Fine, D. Reed Blank, V. B. Mann, S. C. Reif, R. Langer, N. Feuchtwanger-Sarig, M. L. Kligman, J. D. Sarna, J. Tabory, and S. P. Wachs.
Blessing Formulae and Divine Sovereignty in Rabbinic Liturgy Reuven Kimelman, Brandeis University
Liturgy and the Art of the Dura Europos Synagogue Steven Fine, University of Cincinnati and Yeshiva University
The Medieval French Practice of Repeating Qaddish and Barekhu for Latecomers to Synagogue Debra Reed Blank, Jewish Theological Seminary of America
From Manuscript Codex to Printed Volume: A Novel Liturgical Transition? Stefan C. Reif, Cambridge University
Between Worshiper and Wall: The Place of Art in Liturgical Spaces Vivian B. Mann, The Jewish Museum and Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Sinai, Zion, and God in the Synagogue: Celebrating Torah in Ashkenaz Ruth Langer, Boston College
“May He Grow to the Torah ”: The Iconography of Torah Reading and Bar Mitzvah on Ashkenazi Torah Binders Naomi Feuchtwanger-Sarig, Bar-Ilan University
Prayers in an Arab Mode: Liturgical Performance of Syrian Jews in Brooklyn Mark L. Kligman, Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion
Jewish Prayers for the United States Government: A Study in the Liturgy of Politics and the Politics of Liturgy Jonathan D. Sarna, Brandeis University
The Piety of Politics: Jewish Prayers for the State of Israel Joseph Tabory, Bar-Ilan University
Birkat Nahem: The Politics of Liturgy in Modern Israel Saul Philip Wachs, Gratz College
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