David and Zion
Biblical Studies in Honor of J. J. M. Roberts
Edited by Bernard F. Batto and Kathryn L. Roberts
David and Zion
Biblical Studies in Honor of J. J. M. Roberts
Edited by Bernard F. Batto and Kathryn L. Roberts
J. J. M. Roberts was graduated from Harvard University, taught at The Johns Hopkins University, and then spent the bulk of his teaching career at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he influenced and was well loved by several generations of students. Here, 21 colleagues and former students contribute essays that reflect Roberts’ core interests.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Part 1: David and Zion
The “History of David’s Rise to Power” and the Neo-Babylonian Succession Apologies - Michael B. Dick
R(az/ais)ing Zion in Lamentations 2 - F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp
Sinai and Zion in Psalm 93 - John S. Kselman
“Back to the Future”: Zion in the Book of Micah - Rick R. Marrs
“Who Knows? The Lord May Be Gracious”: Why We Pray - Kathryn L. Roberts
“And Lot Went with Him”: Abraham’s Disobedience in Genesis 12:1–4a - Andrew G. Vaughn
David and Zion in the Theology of the Deuteronomistic History: Theological Ideas in 2 Samuel 5–7 - John T. Willis
Part 2: The Divine King and the Human King
The Divine Sovereign: The Image of God in the Priestly Creation Account - Bernard F. Batto
The Ruler in Zion and the Hope of the Poor: Psalms 9–10 in the Context of the Psalter - Patrick D. Miller
Buber, Kingship, and the Book of Judges: A Study of Judges 6–9 and 17–21 - Dennis T. Olson
The Rule of God in the Book of Daniel - C. L. Seow
Theological Anthropology at a Fulcrum: Isaiah 55:1–5, Psalm 89, and Second Stage Traditio in the Royal Psalms - Scott R. A. Starbuck
King Yahweh as the Good Shepherd: Taking Another Look at the Image of God in Psalm 23 - Beth Tanner
Part 3: Historical and Lexical Studies
The Crux of Psalm 22:17c: Solved at Long Last? - Michael L. Barré
Doves in the Windows: Isaiah 60:8 in Light of Ancient Mesopotamian Lament Traditions - Walter C. Bouzard, Jr.
The Pride of Jacob - Joel S. Burnett
Bashan, Symbology, Haplography, and Theology in Psalm 68 - James H. Charlesworth
The “Dying and Rising God”: A Survey of Research from Frazer to the Present Day - Tryggve N. D. Mettinger
Isaiah at Princeton One Hundred Fifty Years Ago and Now: Joseph Addison Alexander (1809–1860) and J. J. M. Roberts (1939–) - Thomas H. Olbricht
Why Perez? Reflections on David’s Genealogy in Biblical Tradition - Katharine Doob Sakenfeld
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