Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period
Edited by Oded Lipschits and Joseph Blenkinsopp
Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period
Edited by Oded Lipschits and Joseph Blenkinsopp
This volume is the outcome of an international conference held at Tel Aviv University, May 29–31, 2001. The idea for the conference germinated at the fifth Transeuphratene colloquy in Paris in March 2000. The Tel Aviv conference was organized in order to encourage investigation into the obscure five or six decades preceding the Persian conquests in the latter part of the 6th century. The essays here are organized in 5 parts: (1) The Myth of the Empty Land Revisited; (2) Cult, Priesthood, and Temple; (3) Military and Governmental Aspects; (4) Archaeological Perspectives on the 6th Century B.C.E.; and (5) Exiles and Foreigners in Egypt and Babylonia.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Contributors: H. M. Barstad, B. Oded, L. S. Fried, S. Japhet, J. Blenkinsopp, G. N. Knoppers, Y. Amit, D. Edelman, Y. Hoffman, R. H. Sack, D. Vanderhooft, J. W. Betlyon, A. Lemaire, C. E. Carter, O. Lipschits, A. Zertal, J. R. Zorn, B. Porten, and R. Zadok.
Part 1: The Myth of the Empty Land Revisited
After the ‘Myth of the Empty Land’: Major Challenges in the Study of Neo-Babylonian Judah Hans M. Barstad
The Land Lay Desolate: Conquest and Restoration in the Ancient Near East Lisbeth S. Fried
Where is the ‘Myth of the Empty Land’ to be Found? History versus Myth B. Oded
Periodization: Between History and Ideology—The Neo-Babylonian Period in Biblical Historiography Sara Japhet
Part 2: Cult, Priesthood, and Temple
Bethel in the Neo-Babylonian Period Joseph Blenkinsopp
The Relationship of the Priestly Genealogies to the History of the High Priesthood in Jerusalem Gary N. Knoppers
Epoch and Genre: The Sixth Century and the Growth of Hidden Polemics Yairah Amit
Gibeon and the Gibeonites Revisited Diana Edelman
The Fasts in the Book of Zechariah and the Fashioning of National Remembrance Yair Hoffman
Part 3: Military and Governmental Aspects
Nebuchadnezzar II and the Old Testament: History versus Ideology Ronald H. Sack
Babylonian Strategies of Imperial Control in the West: Royal Practice and Rhetoric David Vanderhooft
Neo-Babylonian Military Operations Other Than War in Judah and Jerusalem John W. Betlyon
Nabonidus in Arabia and Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period Andre Lemaire
Part 4: The Sixth Century B.C.E.: Archaeological Perspectives
Ideology and Archaeology in the Neo-Babylonian Period: Excavating Text and Tell Charles E. Carter
Demographic Changes in Judah between the Seventh and the Fifth Centuries B.C.E. Oded Lipschits
The Province of Samaria (Assyrian Samerina) in the Late Iron Age (Iron Age III) Adam Zertal
Tell en-Nassbeh and the Problem of the Material Culture of the Sixth Century Jeffrey R. Zorn
Part 5: Exiles and Foreigners in Egypt and Babylonia
Settlement of the Jews at Elephantine and the Arameans at Syene Bezalel Porten
The Representation of Foreigners in Neo- and Late-Babylonian Legal Documents (Eighth through Second Centuries B.C.E.) Ran Zadok
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture
Index of Sites
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