Leaving No Stones Unturned
Essays on the Ancient Near East and Egypt in Honor of Donald P. Hansen
Edited by Erica Ehrenberg
Leaving No Stones Unturned
Essays on the Ancient Near East and Egypt in Honor of Donald P. Hansen
Edited by Erica Ehrenberg
A fitting tribute to the life and achievements of Donald P. Hansen, this collection includes contributions by Z. Bahrani, R. A. Fazzini, R. E. Freed, P. O. Harper, J. and D. Oates, D. O’Connor, E. L. Ochsenschlager, E. Holmes-Peck, W. H. Peck, H. Pittman, M. Van de Mieroop, M. S. Venit, K. Wilson, I. J. Winter, and many others.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Digging with Donald - Selma Al-Radi
Power and Protection: A Little Proto-Elamite Silver Bull Pendant - Joan Aruz
Perfomativity and the Image: Narrative, Representation and the Uruk Vase - Zainab Bahrani
Early Late Cypriot Ceramic Exports to Canaan: White Slip I - Celia J. Bergoffen
Sarvistan Reconsidered - Lionel Bier
The Rooster in Mesopotamia - Erica Ehrenberg
Some Aspects of the Precinct of the Goddess Mut in New Kingdom - Richard A. Fazzini
Defending Connoisseurship: A Thrice Re-inscribed Sphinx of Dynasty XII - Rita E. Freed
Tomorrow We Dig! Excerpts from Vaughn E. Crawford’s Letters and Newsletters from al-Hiba - Prudence O. Harper
Pay-Dirt in the End - Edward J. Keall
1000 B.C.E? 900 B.C.E.? A Greek Vase from Lake Galilee - Gunter Kopcke
Pithoi of Hatshepsut’s Time - Christine Lilyquist
In Search of Prestige: Foreign Contacts and the Rise of an Elite in Early Dynastic Babylonia - Marc Van De Mieroop
Sacred Pathways - Bojana Mojsov
The Reattribution of Middle Uruk Materials at Brak - Joan Oates and David Oates
Seeing the Past in the Present: Twenty-Five Years of Ethnoarchaeology at al-Hiba - Edward L. Ochsenschlager
Pyramid Origins: A New Theory - David O’Connor
A Decorated Bronze Belt in the Detroit Institute of Arts - Elsie Holmes Peck
An Egyptian Goddess in Detroit - William H. Peck
The ‘Jeweler’s’ Seal from Susa and Art of Awan - Holly Pittman
Early Islamic Seals: Their Artistic and Cultural Importance - Priscilla Soucek
Ancient Egyptomania: The Uses of Egypt in Graeco-Roman Alexandria - Marjorie Susan Venit
The Temple Mound at Bismaya - Karen Wilson
How Tall Was Naram-Sin’s Victory Stele: Speculation on the Broken Bottom - Irene J. Winter
Mapping Himyarite Zafar - Paul Yule
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