Patterns of Destiny
Narrative Structures of Foundation and Doom in the Hebrew Bible
Diane M. Sharon
Patterns of Destiny
Narrative Structures of Foundation and Doom in the Hebrew Bible
Diane M. Sharon
Diane Sharon uses the tools of structuralist literary criticism to uncover social and theological patterns in biblical literature. She provides a brief framework for understanding the approach used in her study, then demonstrates that the notion of destiny, specifically the ideas of establishment / foundation and condemnation / doom, are embedded in narrative that includes an eating and drinking event.
- Description
- Table of Contents
1. Introduction A Note to the Reader about Typestyle in This Volume
2. Structuralism, Proppian Analysis, and Biblical Narrative
A Brief History of Structuralism
Two Main Approaches to Structural Analysis: The Syntagmatic and the Paradigmatic
Structuralism and Biblical Studies
The Relationship between Structuralism and Poststructuralism
Syntagmatic Approach and Morphological Analysis as the Methodology for This Study
Differentiating Propp’s Method from His Model
Issues of Terminology: Genre, Tale-Type, Theme, and Motif
Proppian Analysis and the Biblical Canon
Vladimir Propp and Structuralism: Approach, Method, and Model Criticism of Propp
Utility of Propp’s Method for Defining Genre in Biblical Narrative
Applicability of Propp’s Method to a Biblical Corpus
Proppian Literary Analysis of Hebrew Bible Narrative
3. Eating and Drinking as Variables in Biblical Narrative
Eating and Drinking as Meaningful Literary Elements
Eating and Drinking as Variable Elements within Other Constant
Constants within Which Eating and Drinking
Are Variables
Symbolic Action
Military Leadership
Mourning and Supplication
4. The Unexpected Absence of Eating and Drinking
The Absence of Eating and Drinking
Eating and Drinking on Life-Cycle Occasions
Annunciation, Birth, and Circumcision
Death and Resurrection
Eating and Drinking in Celebration
Summary of Eating and Drinking as a Variable within Other Constants
5. Patterns of Destiny: Eating and Drinking as Constants within the Establishment/Foundation Genre
Morphology and Genre
Methodological Considerations
Sample Analysis
Patterns of Destiny: Establishment and Condemnation
The Foundation Pattern in Ancient Sumer
The Foundation Pattern Elsewhere in the Ancient Near East
Patterns of Destiny: Establishment
6. Patterns of Destiny: Eating and Drinking as Constants within the Condemnation/Doom Genre
Accounts of Doom in the Hebrew Bible
Doom of King and Dynasty
Condemnation of the North and the South
Elaborated but Clear Morphological Examples
Jacob: Ascendence through Guile
Inanna: Ascendence through Guile
Ruth: Establishment of the Line of David
Haman: Doom of a Villian
Sennacherib: Doom of an Enemy of Israel
The Doom Pattern in Accounts of Paradise
The Paradise Account in the Hebrew Bible
A Sumerian Account of Paradise
An Akkadian Account of Paradise Lost
Akkadian Accounts of Human Mortality
7. Patterns of Destiny: Variations and Adaptations Ellipses, Transpositions, and Reversals in Patterns of Destiny
An Allusion to the Foundation Pattern
Ancient Near Eastern Parallels
Biblical Allusion to Ancient Near Eastern Parallels
Allusions and References to the Doom Pattern
Condemnation of Noah
Condemnation of Jeroboam, First King of the North
Condemnation of Ben-hadad of Aram
Saul: Doom of Dynasty and Condemnation to Death
Solomon’s Anointing and the Doom of an Attempted Accession
Inversion and Other Variations
Gideon’s Call
Annunciation of Samson’s Birth
Morphological Reversals and the Reversal of Expectations
Jacob’s Descent to Egypt
Nehemiah Rebuilds Jerusalem
Saul’s Reversals
Doom of the United Kingdom
Doom of the Northern Kingdom
The Morphological Message of Hope in Captivity
The Restorations of Job, Joseph, and Jehoiachin
The Foundation Pattern Alluded to in 2 Kings 25
Prophetic Adaptations and Transformations
Prophetic Initiation of Ezekiel and Jeremiah
Patterns of Destiny Transformed into Metaphor
8. Summary and Conclusion
Finding the Ancient Reader
Future Study
Finding New Theological Meaning
Bibliography of Works Cited
Index of Authors Cited
Index of Scripture Citations
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