Tehillah le-Moshe
Biblical and Judaic Studies in Honor of Moshe Greenberg
Edited by Mordechai Cogan, Barry L. Eichler, and Jeffrey H. Tigay
Tehillah le-Moshe
Biblical and Judaic Studies in Honor of Moshe Greenberg
Edited by Mordechai Cogan, Barry L. Eichler, and Jeffrey H. Tigay
Forty-five scholars here combine their skills in tribute to their colleague, teacher, and friend. This collection includes 27 English and 18 Hebrew essays on literary criticism, rabbinic literature, Hebrew word studies, Septuagint, Qumran, textual criticism, and many other topics. Moshe Greenberg is perhaps best known for his commentary on Ezekiel in the Anchor Bible series.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Moshe Greenberg: An Appreciation
Bibliography of the Writings of Moshe Greenberg
PART 1: Exegetical and Literary Studies
Love of Zion: A Literary Interpretation of Psalm 137 - Shimon Bar-Efrat
The Meaning of Amos’s Third Vision (Amos 7:7-9) - Alan Cooper
On Reading Genesis 12:10-20 - Barry L. Eichler
Harvesting the Biblical Narrator’s Scanty Plot of Ground: A Holistic Approach to Judges 16:4-22 - J. Cheryl Exum
Proverbs 2 and 31: A Study in Structural Complementarity - David Noel Freedman
Reading Rahab - Tikva Frymer-Kensky
Psalm 8 on the Power and Mystery of Speech - Walter Harrelson
Two Aspects of the ‘Tent of Meeting’ - Israel Knohl
The Firstfruits Festivals of Grain and the Composition of Leviticus 23: 9-21 - Jacob Milgrom
What Did Laban Demand of Jacob? A New Reading of Genesis 31:50 and Exodus 21:10 - Jonathan Paradise
A Lover’s Garden of Verse: Literal and Metaphorical Imagery in Ancient Near Eastern Love Poetry - Shalom M. Paul
Nahemiah 9: An Important Witness of Theological Reflection - Rolf Rendtorff
Naboth’s Vineyard Revisited (1 Kings 21) - Nahum M. Sarna
The ‘Aramean’ of Deuteronomy 26:5: Peshat and Derash - Richard C. Steiner
‘He Begot a Son in His Likeness after His Image’ (Genesis 5:3) - Jeffrey H. Tigay
Different Editions of the Song of Hannah and of Its Narrative Framework - Emanuel Tov
PART 2: Historical, Thematic, and Methodological Studies
On the Use of Traditional Jewish Exegesis in the Modern Literary Study of the Bible - Adele Berlin
The Genre of the Biblical Commentary as Problem and Challenge - Brevard S. Childs
David’s Jerusalem: Notes and Reflections - Mordechai Cogan
The Berit ‘Covenant’: Its Nature and Ceremonial Background - Menahem Haran
Prophecy and Soothsaying - Yair Hoffman
The Next Phase in Jewish Religion: The Land of Israel as Sacred Space - Baruch A. Levine
The Methods of Late Biblical Scribes as Evidenced by the Septuagint Compared with the Other Textual Witnesses - Alexander Rofe
PART 3: Postbiblical and Rabbinic Studies
Rabbinic Mythmaking and Tradition: The Great Dragon Drama in b. Baba Batra 74b-75a - Michael Fishbane
A Law and Its Interpretation - Judah Goldin
Masorah and Halakhah: A Study in Conflict - Sid Z. Leiman
The Akedah—and What to Remember - Michael Rosenak
English Abstracts of Hebrew Essays
Index of Authors
Index of Scripture
Index of Ancient and Premodern Sources
Hebrew Essays
PART 1: Biblical Studies
The Countenance of YHWH - Shmuel Ahituv
Creation and the Calendar of Holiness - Yairah Amit
The Philistine Entity and the Origin of the Name ‘Palestine’ - Israel Eph’al
On the Borderline between Biblical Criticism and Hebrew Linguistics: The Emergence of the Term - Avi Hurvitz
‘A Psalm, a Song for the Sabbath Day’ - Meir Weiss
Fragments of an Ezekiel Scroll from Masada 1043-2220 (Ezekiel 35:11-38:14) - Shemaryahu Talmon
New Mari Documents and the Prophecy of Ezekiel - Abraham Malamat
The Origin and Development of Languages on Earth: The Sumerian versus the Biblical View - Jacob Klein
‘And if Given the Strength—Eighty Years’: The Terms for Longevity in Akkadian, Biblical Hebrew, and Mishnaic Hebrew - Hayim Tadmor
Part 2: Second Temple, Rabbinic, and Medieval Studies
A Semantic Analysis - Moshe Weinfeld
‘Was It Not at His Hand the Sun Stopped?’ (Ben Sira 46:6): A Chapter in Literary Archaeology - Yair Zakovitch
Tradition and Innovation in the Commentary of Rabbi Samuel ben Meir (Rashbam) on Job: The Hymn to Wisdom (Job 28) - Sara Japhet
The Pre-70 C.E. Judean Synagogue: Its Origins and Character Reexamined - Lee I. Levine
Was Maimonides Influenced by Al-Ghazzali? - Hava Lazarus-Yafeh
Peshat Exegesis of Biblical Historiography: Historicism, Dogmatism, and Medievalism - Uriel Simon
Additional Fragments of the ‘Rhymed Ben Sira’ - Ezra Fleischer
Midrashic Derivations regarding the Transformation of the Names Jacob and Israel according to Traditional Jewish Exegesis: Semantic and Syntatic Aspects - Simcha Kogut
‘Moses Had Written about Many Deeds...and David Came and Explained Them’ (Exodus Rabbah 15:22) - Avigdor Shinan
Indexes to Hebrew Essays
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