Community, Identity, and Ideology
Social Science Approaches to the Hebrew Bible
Edited by Charles E. Carter and Carol L. Meyers
Community, Identity, and Ideology
Social Science Approaches to the Hebrew Bible
Edited by Charles E. Carter and Carol L. Meyers
This collection of essays contextualizes the history and current state of the social science method in the study of the Hebrew Bible. Part 1 traces the rise of social science criticism by reprinting classic essays on the topic; Part 2 provides “case studies,” examples of application of the methods to biblical studies.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Series Preface
Editors’ Preface
Charles E. Carter - A Discipline in Transition: The Contributions of the Social Sciences to the Study of the Hebrew Bible
‘Part 1: Anthropologists, Sociologists, and the Biblical World’
William Robertson Smith - Sacrifice: Preliminary Survey
Max Weber - Ancient Judaism
Antonin Causse - From an Ethnic Group to a Religious Community: The Sociological Problem of Judaism
Mary Douglas - The Abominations of Leviticus
Marvin Harris - The Abominable Pig
George E. Mendenhall - The Hebrew Conquest of Palestine
Norman K. Gottwald - Domain Assumptions and Societal Models in the Study of Pre-Monarchic Israel
Gary A. Anderson - Sacrifices and Offerings in Ancient Israel: An Introduction
Robert Oden - Historical Understanding and Understanding the Religion of Israel
Gary A. Herion - The Impact of Modern and Social Science Assumptions on the Reconstruction of Israelite History
Andrew D. H. Mayes - Idealism and Materialism in Weber and Gottwald
Niels Peter Lemche - On the Use of ‘System Theory,’ ‘Macro Theories,’ and ‘Evolutionistic Thinking’ in Modern Old Testament Research and Biblical Archaeology
‘Part 2: Case Studies - Israel and Its Institutions: Social Science Perspectives’
Abraham Malamat - Charismatic Leadership in the Book of Judges
James W. Flanagan - Chiefs in Israel
Robert B. Coote and Keith W. Whitelam - The Emergence of Israel: Social Transformation and State Formation following the Decline in Late Bronze Age Trade
Israel Finkelstein - The Emergence of the Monarchy in Israel: The Environment and Socio-Economic Aspects
Robert R. Wilson - Prophecy and Ecstasy: A Reexamination
Thomas W. Overholt - Prophecy: The Problem of Cross-Cultural Comparison
Frank S. Frick - Religion and Sociopolitical Structure in Early Israel: An Ethno-Archaeological Approach
David C. Hopkins - Life on the Land: The Subsistence Struggles of Early Israel
Carol L. Meyers - Procreation, Production, and Protection: Male-Female Balance in Early Israel
Phyllis Bird - The Place of Women in the Israelite Cultus
Daniel L. Smith - The Politics of Ezra: Sociological Indicators of Postexilic Judaean Society
Index of Authorities
Index of Scripture
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