Texts, Temples, and Traditions
A Tribute to Menahem Haran
Edited by Michael V. Fox, Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, Avi M. Hurvitz, Michael L. Klein, Baruch J. Schwartz, and Nili Shupak
Texts, Temples, and Traditions
A Tribute to Menahem Haran
Edited by Michael V. Fox, Victor Avigdor Hurowitz, Avi M. Hurvitz, Michael L. Klein, Baruch J. Schwartz, and Nili Shupak
Professor Menahem Haran is honored in this volume by a chorus of colleagues, disciples, and friends from Israel, Europe, North America, and the Far East. The diversity of Haran’s expertise is reflected in the table of contents of this collection, organized around the topics: “Priests and Their Sphere,” “The Torah,” “The Prophets,” “The Writings,” and “Language and Writing.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Appreciation, by Victor Avigdor Hurowitz
The Published Writings of Menahem Haran (Bibliography)
PART 1. Priests and Their Sphere
The Distribution of the Priestly Gifts according to a Document of the Second Temple Period - Sara Japhet
The Holiness of Israel and the Land in Second Temple Times - James Kugel
Realms of Sanctity: The Case of the ‘Misplaced’ Incense Altar in the Tabernacle Texts of Exodus - Carol Meyers
Hezekiah and the Temple - H. G. M. Williamson
The Earthen Altar Laws of Exodus 20:24-26 and Related Sacrificial Restrictions in Their Cultural Context - Ziony Zevit
PART 2. The Torah
The Other Egypt: A Welcome Asylum - Mordechai Cogan
The Composition of the Book of Exodus: Reflections on the Theses of Erhard Blum - Graham I. Davies
Some Recent Non-arguments concerning the Documentary Hypothesis - Richard Elliott Friedman
The Priestly Account of the Theophany and Lawgiving at Sinai - Baruch J. Schwartz
Sons of God(s), Heroes, and nephilim: Remarks on Genesis 6:1-4 - J. A. Soggin
The Significance of the End of Deuteronomy (Deuteronomy 34:10-12) - Jeffrey H. Tigay
PART 3. The Prophets
The Authentic Sermon on Jeremiah in Jeremiah 7:1-20 - Sa-Moon Kang
Le Cadre alphabetique du ‘Livre de Jonathan’ (1 Sam 16:14-2 Sam 1:27) - Francois Langlamet
The Composition of Jeremiah 30-31 - William McKane
Le Cantique de Debora et ses relectures - R. J. Tournay
PART 4. The Writings
The Concept of Abomination in the Book of Proverbs - R. E. Clemens
The Social Location of the Book of Proverbs - Michael V. Fox
A Forensic Understanding of the Speech from the Whirlwind - Edward L. Greenstein
Chronicles and the Priestly Torah - Rolf Rendtorff
On the Canonicity of the Song of Songs - Magne Saebo
Notes on the Use of the Definite Article in the Poetry of Job - Nahum M. Sarna
The Meaning of ‘Darkness’: A Study in Philological Method - Chaim Cohen
A Papyrus Recording a Divine Legal Decision and the Root rhq in Biblical and Near Eastern Legal Usage - Frank Moore Cross
Are There Examples of Enclitic mem in the Hebrew Bible? - John A. Emerton
Noisy and Yearning: The Semantics of ppw and Its Congeners - Moshe Greenberg
Bilingualism and the Beginnings of Translation - William W. Hallo
Three Biblical Expressions for Being Merciful in Light of Akkadian and Aramaic - Victor Avigdor Hurowitz
Polysemous Pivotal Punctuation: More Janus Double Entendres - Shalom M. Paul
Participial Formulations: Lawsuit, Not Wisdom—A Study in Prophetic Language - Henning Graf Reventlow
Scribal Practices Reflected in the Documents from the Judean Desert and in the Rabbinic Literature: A Comparative Study - Emanuel Tov
English Abstracts of Hebrew Essays
Index of Authorities
Index of Scripture
King Solomon’s Designation for Kingship in Biblical Historiography - Shmuel Ahituv
Implicit Redaction and Latent Polemic in the Story of the Rape of Dinah - Yairah Amit
The Date and the Meaning of the Prophecy against ‘Those Who Live in These Ruins in the Land of Israel’ (Ezekiel 33:23-29) - Gershon Brin
The Origins and Development of the Expression: A Study in the History of Writing-Related Terminology in Biblical Times - Avi Hurvitz
‘And I Will Tell of All Your Work’: Faith and Belief in Psalm 77 - Meir Weiss
The Book of the Covenant Interprets the Book of the Covenant: The ‘Boomerang Phenomenon’ - Yair Zakovitch
A Calendrical Scroll from Qumran Cave 4: Mismarot Bb (4Q321) - Shemaryahu Talmon and Israel Knohl
Towards the Structure of the Book of Kings: Formulaic Synchronism and Story Synchronism (1 Kings 12-2 Kings 17) - Zipora Talshir
Cushan-Rishathaim (Judges 3:8-11): An Implicit Polemic - Bustenai Oded
Complementary Fragments from the Cairo Genizah - Michael L. Klein
Ruth 4:11 LXX: A Midrashic Dramatization - Alexander Rofe
The Joseph Story: Legend or History? - Nili Shupak
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