“Sha'arei Talmon”
Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon
Edited by Michael Fishbane, Emanuel Tov, and Weston W. Fields
“Sha'arei Talmon”
Studies in the Bible, Qumran, and Ancient Near East Presented to Shemaryahu Talmon
Edited by Michael Fishbane, Emanuel Tov, and Weston W. Fields
Offered in celebration of Talmon’s half-century of life and study in Israel, the essays in this Festschrift reflect Talmon’s lifelong interest in all phases of biblical and related study. Also included is a comprehensive listing of Talmon’s published writings.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Editors’ Preface
Abstracts of Hebrew Articles
The Published Writings of Shemaryahu Talmon
Biblical Literature and Exegesis
MICHAEL FISHBANE - University of Chicago The Well of Living Water: A Biblical Motif and Its Ancient Transformations
WESTON W. FIELDS - Hebrew University The Motif ‘Night as Danger’ Associated with Three Biblical Destruction Narratives
JAN P. FOKKELMAN - University of Leiden Structural Remarks on Judges 9 and 19
CYRUS H. GORDON - New York University ‘This Time’ (Genesis 2:23)
BARUCH HALPERN - York University Sociological Comparativism and the Theological Imagination: The Case of the Conquest
PAUL D. HANSON - Harvard University 1 Chronicles 15-16 and the Chronicler’s Views on the Levites
SARA JAPHET - Hebrew University The Israelite Legal and Social Reality as Reflected in Chronicles: A Case Study
OTTO KAISER - Philipps University, Marburg The Law as Center of the Hebrew Bible
KLAUS KOCH - University of Hamburg Ezra and Meremoth: Remarks on the History of the High Priesthood
NORBERT LOHFINK - Philologisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen Deuteronomy 6:24: ‘To Maintain Us’
CAROL L. MEYERS and ERIC M. MEYERS - Duke University Jerusalem and Zion after the Exile: The Evidence of First Zechariah
JACOB MILGROM - University of California, Berkeley The Priestly Laws of Sancta Contamination
SHALOM M. PAUL - Hebrew University Polysensuous Polyvalency in Poetic Parallelism
ROLF RENDTORFF - University of Heidelberg The Image of Postexilic Israel in German Bible Scholarship from Wellhausen to von Rad
NAHUM M. SARNA - Brandeis University, Emeritus Legal Terminology in Psalm 3:8
JACK M. SASSON - University of North Carolina Time...to Begin
J. ALBERTO SOGGIN - University of Rome Jacob in Shechem and in Bethel (Genesis 35:1-7)
MATITIAHU TSEVAT - Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati Was Samuel a Nazirite?
Textual Criticism
MICHAEL V. FOX - University of Wisconsin, Madison The Redaction of the Greek Alpha-Text of Esther
MOSHE GOSHEN-GOTTSTEIN - Hebrew University Editions of the Hebrew Bible—Past and Future
SARAH KAMIN The Theological Significance of the Hebraica Veritas in Jerome’s Thought
EMANUEL TOV - Hebrew University Interchanges of Consonants between the Masoretic Text and the Vorlage of the Septuagint
EUGENE ULRICH - University of Notre Dame The Canonical Process, Textual Criticism, and Latter Stages in the Composition of the Bible
JAMES H. CHARLESWORTH - Princeton Theological Seminary An Allegorical and Autobiographical Poem by the Moreh has-Sedeq (1GH 8:4-11)
JONAS C. GREENFIELD - Hebrew University Two Notes on the Apocryphal Psalms
ALEXANDER ROFE - Hebrew University A Neglected Meaning of the Verb and the Text of 1QS vi: 11-13
JAMES A. SANDERS - Claremont School of Theology The Dead Sea Scrolls and Biblical Studies
W. D. DAVIES - Duke University, Emeritus Reflections on Territory in Judaism
JACOB NEUSNER - University of Southern Florida Biblical Exegesis and the Formation of Judaism: Sifra and the Problem of the Mishnah
Ancient Near East
TZVI ABUSCH - Brandeis University Ritual and Incantation: Interpretation and Textual History of Maqlu vii:58-105 and ix: 152-59
WILLIAM W. HALLO - Yale University Royal Ancestor Worship in the Biblical World
THORKILD JACOBSEN - Harvard University, Emeritus The Spell of Nudimmud
Index of References
Hebrew Bible
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
New Testament
Qumran/Dead Sea Scrolls
Mishnaic and Other Rabbinic Writings
Other Ancient Near Eastern Texts
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