Tell el-Hesi IV
The Site and the Expedition
Edited by Bruce T. Dahlberg and Kevin G. O'Connell
This collection of essays, dedicated to the memory of H. T. Frank, includes essays on the physical environment (F. L. Koucky), the Palestine Exploration Fund excavations at the tell in the 19th century (J. M. Matthers), the development of the excavation team (J. E. Worrell), the influence of the “new archaeology” on the Hesi expedition during the 1970s (J. E. Worrell and J. W. Betlyon), the stratigraphy of the site (L. E. Toombs), and individual reports on various areas (M. D. Coogan, R. B. Stewart, and K. G. O’Connell, S.J.). The book concludes with an extensive bibliography on the site and several appendixes.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Editor’s Preface
Introduction - Kevin G. O’Connell, S.J.
Part I: The Site
I. The Present and Past Physical Environment of Tell el-Hesi, Israel - Frank L. Koucky
Part I: General Characteristics of the Hesi Region
Location of Tell el-Hesi
Geologic History of the Costal Plain
Soils and the Southern Coastal Plain (Southern Pleshet)
Part II: The Tell el-Hesi Site
Geomorphic History of the Tell el-Hesi Site
Description of the Tell el-Hesi Site
II. Excavations by the Palestine Exploration Fund at Tell el-Hesi 1890-1892 - John M. Matthers (1981)
The Work of the Palestine Exploration Fund
W. M. Flinders Petrie (1853-1942)
The First Season: April 17-May 31, 1890
F. J. Bliss (1859-1937)
The Second Season: March 16-May 15,1891
The Third Season: October 13-December 15, 1891
The Fourth Season: March 28-May 26,1892
The Fifth Season: September 17-December 16,1892
Chronological Conclusions on the Excavations, 1890-1892
The Achievements of Petrie and Bliss
The Employment of Other Techniques and Sciences
Part II: Formative Influences on the Expedition
III. The Evolution of a Holistic Investigation: Phase One of the Joint Expedition to Tell el-Hesi - John E. Worrell
IV. The Methodology of the New Archaeology and Its Influence on the Joint Expedition to Tell el-Hesi - D. Glenn Rose (1981)
History of the New Archaeology Movement
The New Archaeology
Reactions and Anticipations
The New Archaeology at Hesi
Aspects of the New Archaeology at Hesi
Archaeology as the Study of Lifeways and Process
Archaeology as Science
Archaeology as Environmental Studies
The Explanatory Function of Archaeology
V. The Volunteer and Educational Program: 1970-1975 - H. Thomas Frank (1980) and Fred L. Horton Jr.
The First Season
Subsequent Seasons
The Volunteers
Epilogue and a Special Word
Part III: The Expedition’s Work in Phase One
VI. Phase One at Tell el-Hesi: A Season-by-Season Account - John E. Worrell and John W. Betlyon
Preliminary Surveys in 1968 and 1969
The 1970 Field Season
The 1971 Field Season
The 1972 Interseason
The 1973 Field Season
The 1974 Interseason
The 1975 Field Season
The 1976 Interseason
VII. The Stratigraphy of the Site - Lawrence E. Toombs
Special Problems of Excavation
Intrusive Features
Military Trenching
Mud-Brick Construction
Levels Completely Excavated
Stratum I - Modern Military Trenching
Stratum II - The Muslim Cemetery
Stratum III - Late Arabic
Stratum IV - The Hellenistic Period
Stratum V - The Perian Period
The Late Chalcolithic Structure (Field III)
Levels Partially Excavated
The Southern Wall (Field III)
Pre-Stratum V Phases (Field I)
Walls on the Southern Slope (Field I)
Levels Explored But Not Extensively Excavated
Aims and Methods
Fields IV
Fields V
Fields VI
Fields VII
Levels Indicated But Not Explored
Unexplored Structures
The Pottery of the Fills
Part IV: Particular Reports
VIII. Field II - Michael David Coogan
Catalogue of Loci
IX. Calcolithic Remains in Field III - Michael David Cogan
Area 3
Area 5
X. A Cemetery from the Persian Period at Tell el-Hesi - Michael David Coogan
XI. Archeobotanic Studies at Tell el-Hesi - Robert B. Stewart
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussions
XII. An Israelite Bulla from Tell el-Hesi - Kevin G. O’Connell, S.J.
Conclusion - Kevin G. O’Connell, S.J.
Bibliography of Publications Concerning Tell el-Hesi - Compiled by Jeffrey A. Blakely
A. Pre-Excavation Sources Relating to Tell el-Hesi
B. Primary Archaeological Publications Related to Excavations at Tell el-Hesi
C. Special Studies and General Works Having Useful Reference to Tell el-Hesi
Appendix A: Mr. Petrie’s Excavation in the South of Judah - A. H. Sayce, LL.D
Appendix B: The Latest Discovery in Palestine - A. H. Sayce, D.D., LL.D
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