Sopher Mahir
Northwest Semitic Studies Presented to Stanislav Segert
Edited by Edward M. Cook
The twenty-two essays presented here reflect Dr. Segert’s many areas of interest and expertise. A bibliography of the honoree’s writings is included.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Edward M. Cook - Stanislav Segert: An Appreciation
Pierre Bordreuil - A Propos de Milkou, Milkart et Milk ‘ashtart
Giorgio Buccellatti - Cybernetica Mesopotamica
Randall Buth - ‘EDAYIN/TOTE—Anatomy of a Semitism in Jewish Greek
Henri Cazelles - Sur ‘mdl’ a Ugarit, en Is 40,15 et Hab 3,4
Edward M. Cook - The Orthography of Final Unstressed Long Vowels in Old and Imperial Aramaic
James R. Davila - Qoheleth and Northern Hebrew
M. Dietrich and O. Loretz, tr. Richard White - The Syntax of Omens in Ugaritic
Pelio Fronzaroli, tr. Matthew L. Jaffe - Forms of the Dual in the Texts of Ebla
Paul W. Gaebelein, Jr. - Psalm 34 and Other Biblical Acrostics: Evidence from the Aleppo Codex
Stanley Gevirtz - Phoenician ‘wsbrt mlsm’ and Job 33:23
Jonas C. Greenfield - The ‘Cluster’ in Biblical Poetry
Douglas M. Gropp - The Language of the Samaria Papyri: A Preliminary Study
William Sanford Lasor - Proto-Semitic: Is the Concept No Longer Acceptable?
Loren R. Mack-Fisher - From Ugarit to Gades: Mediterranean Veterinary Medicine
Rudolf Macuch - Some Orthographico-Phonetic Problems of Ancient Aramaic and the Living Aramaic Pronunciation
Dennis Pardee - Structure and Meaning in Hebrew Poetry: The Example of Psalm 23
Robert J. Ratner - Jonah, The Runaway Servant
Helmer Ringgren - Some Observations on the Text of Psalms
Yona Sabar - On the Nature of the Oral Translations of the Book of Exodus in the Neo-Aramaic Dialect of the Jews of Zakho
John H. Sailhamer - A Database Approach to the Analysis of Hebrew Narrative
Ziony Zevit - Phoenician ‘nbs / nps’ and its Hebrew Semantic Equivalents
Bibliography of the Writings of Stanislav Segert
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