Studies in the Period of David and Solomon and Other Essays
Papers Read at the International Symposium for Biblical Studies, Tokyo, 5–7 December, 1979
Edited by Tomoo Ishida
Studies in the Period of David and Solomon and Other Essays
Papers Read at the International Symposium for Biblical Studies, Tokyo, 5–7 December, 1979
Edited by Tomoo Ishida
Seventeen essays presented by an international group of scholars feature the social, economic, and political history of the period of Israel’s united monarchy.
- Description
- Table of Contents
Opening Address
Part I: Studies in the Period of David and Solomon
Lyric Literature in the Davidic-Solomonic Period in the Light of the History of Israelite Literature - by Masao Sekine
Wisdom Literature in the Reigns of David and Solomon - by R. N. Whybray
A Study of the Literary Structure of ‘The Succession Narrative’ - by Kiyoshi K. Sacon
A Theologian of the Solomonic Era? A Plea for the Yahwist - by Werner H. Schmidt
Compact and Kingship: Stimuli for Hebrew Covenant Thinking - by Dennis J. McCarthy, S.J.
Zion in the Theology of the Davidic-Solomonic Empire - by J. J. M. Roberts
YHWH SABAOTH—The Heavenly King on the Cherubim Throne - by Tryggve N. D. Mettinger
Female Cult Figurines in Late Canaan and Early Israel: Archaeological Evidence - by Miriam Tadmor
Solomon’s Succession to the Throne of David—A Political Analysis - by Tomoo Ishida
A Political Look at the Kingdom of David and Solomon and Its Relations with Egypt - by Abraham Malamat
The Interdependence of Internal Affairs and Foreign Policy during the Davidic-Solomonic Period (with Special Regard to the Phoenician Coast) - by Herbert Donner
Solomon’s Trade in Horses and Chariots in Its International Setting - by Yutaka Ikeda
Traditional Institutions and the Monarchy: Social and Political Tensions in the Time of David and Solomon - by Hayim Tadmor
Compulsory Labor under David and Solomon - by J. Alberto Soggin
Monumental Architecture in Ancient Israel in the Period of the United Monarchy - by William G. Dever
Part II: Biblical Studies and the Ancient Near East
Ebla and the Old Testament - by David Noel Freedman
Medicine in the Land and Times of the Old Testament - by J. V. Kinnier Wilson
I. Texts
A. Biblical and Jewish Texts
1. The Hebrew Bible (MT)
2. The Greek Bible (LXX)
3. The Vulgate
4. The Apocrypha
5. The New Testament
6. The Mishnah
B. Non-Biblical Texts
1. Akkadian Texts
2. Hittite Texts
3. West Semitic Texts
4. Egyptian Texts
5. Greek and Latin Texts
II. Words and Terms
A. Sumerian
B. Akkadian
C. Eblaite
D. Ugaritic and Other West Semitic
E. Hebrew
F. Egyptian
G. Words in Hebrew Letters
III. Authors
IV. Proper Names
A. Personal Names
B. Deities
C. Cities, Lands and Nations
V. Subjects
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