Bulletin for Biblical Research
Miguel G. Echevarría, Editor
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The Bulletin for Biblical Research is the journal of the Institute for Biblical Research (IBR), an organization of Christian biblical scholars. BBR publishes peer-reviewed articles in Old Testament/Hebrew Bible and New Testament and sometimes cognate literature, from a range of historical and literary approaches. A significant portion of the journal is dedicated to timely reviews of new publications on these subjects.
The Institute for Biblical Research is an organization of evangelical Christian scholars with specialties in Old and New Testament and in ancillary disciplines. The official IBR website can be found at https://ibr-bbr.org/.
Miguel G. Echevarría, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, US
Associate Editors
Chip Hardy, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, US
Joshua Jipp, Trinity International University, US
Editorial Board
Libby Backfish, Jessup University, US
Lissa Wray Beal, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, CA
Craig Blomberg, Denver Seminary, US
Mark J. Boda, McMaster Divinity College, CA
Max Botner, Jessup University, US
Lisa Bowens, Princeton Theological Seminary, US
David Briones, Westminster Seminary, CA
Aubrey Buster, Wheaton College, US
Roy Ciampa, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, US
Wilson de Angelo Cunha, Calvin Theological Seminary, US
Joey Dodson, Denver Seminary, US
Dennis Edwards, North Park University, US
Rebekah Eklund, Loyola University Maryland, US
Daniel Eng, Western Seminary, US
Chris Fresch, Bible College of South Australia, AU
Mark S. Gignilliat, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, US
Timothy Gombis, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, US
John K. Goodrich, Moody Bible Institute, US
Daniel M. Gurtner, Gateway Seminary, US
Sarah Harris, Carey Baptist College, NZ
Adam Howell, Boyce College, US
JoAnna Hoyt, Dallas International University, US
Carmen Imes, Biola University, US
Dru Johnson, Oxford University, UK
Scott Jones, Covenant College, US
Michael Kibbe, Great Northern University, US
Michelle Knight, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, US
Kelly Liebengood, LeTourneau University, US
Darian R. Lockett, Talbot School of theology, Biola University, US
Matthew Lynch, Regent College, CA
Kara Lyons-Pardue, Point Loma Nazarene University, US
Catherine McDowell, Palm Beach Atlantic University, US
Tracy McKenzie, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, US
Madison Pierce, Western Theological Seminary, US
Elizabeth Robar, Scriptura, US
William A. Ross, Reformed Theological Seminary, US
Christopher W. Skinner, Loyola University Chicago, US
Myrto Theocharous, Greek Bible College, GR
Jarvis Williams, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, US
Editorial Assistants
Faith Steele, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, US
Davis M. Sutton, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, US
All submissions must be made through Editorial Manager. To submit, please visit http://www.editorialmanager.com/bbr and create an author profile. The online system will guide you through the steps to upload your manuscript to the editorial office. Refer to these submission guidelines before uploading your manuscript.
Questions about article submissions may be sent to the editor at .
Enquiries about submitting New Testament books for review and correspondence should be sent to:
Dr. Joshua W. Jipp
Enquiries about submitting Old Testament books for review and correspondence should be sent to:
Dr. Chip Hardy
All essays and book reviews submitted to the Bulletin for Biblical Research must conform to the guidelines of The SBL Handbook of Style for Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Early Christian Studies (2nd ed.; 2014).
Submissions from authors who do not currently have a PhD are accepted provided that they are accompanied by a letter of recommendation written by the student's doctoral supervisor. This letter should indicate that the author's academic advisor has read the article and approves of its submission to the journal's editorial board for peer review. All authors must currently have a PhD or be a doctoral student in biblical studies or a related field.
Institutional Print & Online - $214.00
Institutional Print or Online - $151.00
Institutional Single Issue - $49.00
Individual Print & Online - $87.00
Individual Print or Online - $64.00
Individual Single Issue - $22.00
Outside US add Shipping & Handling - $25.00
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